Is this thing on? Oh, good, at last!
For my first post, I’ll just share a little bit about all the stuff I’ve been working on, 90% of which is for costume commissioners. A few weeks ago, I finished up a pair of Megaman boots, made from EVA Foam, and these will be getting shipped out soon. Currently in the works are two more Ghostbusters Proton Packs (the 2009 Video Game variety, with all the enormous physical add-ons), which puts me at 10 pack builds under my belt. Then an “Extreme” proton pack from the “Extreme Ghostbusters” cartoon, and a GB2 Slime Blower. There is a full Batman Arkham Origins suit (sans cowl) underway as well. Next up is a wearable EVA foam Edward Elric arm from the Japanese animated “Full Metal Alchemist” franchise, and a Fallout 4 Pipboy.
On the side of all this, for myself, as some of you may have seen, I’ve been working on what will hopefully be my first fully-enclosed suit cosplay, Bowser.

The head’s gonna have animatronic eyes with cameras in each sphere, connected to two small screens fitted inside a Google Cardboard headset, for stereoscopic vision. There’ll also be some combination of e-cig vape mechanism and fog machine for smoke breath. Feel free to ask questions if you’ve got ’em. Much more to come!