Show & Tell has started up again. Last night wasn’t the most popular of Show & Tells but it happened. Strages showed off some mesh networking that he has been working on. Phil and I cleaned the lounge.

We’ll be doing another Show & Tell in a couple weeks. Oct. 12 to be exact. It would be great to see more people there. Even if you don’t have a project. Show & Tell is a way to show off projects or give feedback to others on their projects.


This week is “Show & Tell” night on Wednesday at the shop. If you have a project that you would like to discuss, explain, or just plain show off, bring it starting at 7pm. Check out the wikipage to sign up or just browse participants. Progress and/or completion are completely optional!

The Huntsville Open Manufacturing Meetup will be held on Thursday, August 25th starting at 7pm. If you are interested, please check the meetup site for more details.

And this won’t be exactly at Makers Local 256, but if you like tinkering and toys, check out David Reyes’ exhibit on the 1st floor of Lowe Mill. Its called “Conflict Resolution” and is filled with “weaponized toys.” It will be on display until the 28th of August. Check out Lowe Mill for more information.

Reddit followers will probably recognize the importance of this event. A movie, once thought lost forever in some studio’s vault, has finally been reclaimed by the general public through a desperate redditor request. Produced for Nickelodean viewers, the film was deemed “too scary” for children and yanked from the airwaves after only run. However, now that we are all adults, we should be able to handle it!

Bring your own whatever and be at the shop at 9:00pm on Friday, Mog-gust 19!
Official Movie Night Wikipage

It’s that time of year again! Retro Game and Computing Night 2011 is upon us. We have raised the games and system limits up a bit this year. We are allowing all games and systems released pre-2000.  Though that isn’t entirely true, Duke Nukem Forever has been grandfathered in for obvious reasons.

There will be all kinds of systems and games, SNES, SEGA, NES, GameBoy, Atari, as well as Amigas and other computers.  We may even have a LAN setup for old school games like Duke Nukem 3D and Starcraft.  We will also have the grill going and a keg chilling.  Feel free to bring your own systems and/or games and food to share.

Please come join us, play some games, meet new people and see our new space.  Also, remember your donations will help us continue to do events like these.

July 2, 2010 6pm-2am
414 Stevens Ave.
Huntsville, AL 35801

ISDC 2011 Logo

Makers Local 256 will run a booth at the local International Space Development Conference (ISDC) and will present the Makers to and advise the conference’s project incubator, the Foundry Workshop.  The conference runs from May 18-22 at the Von Braun Center. We’ll be in the Von Braun Center North Hall Lower. The workshop runs from May 19-20 at the Embassy Suites Huntsville Redstone Boardroom (2nd Floor). Come check us out!

We need volunteers to help run the Makers Local 256 Booth and present to and advise the Foundry workshop! Sign up on the wikipage.  Booth volunteers get to have FREE access to the conference!  Foundry volunteers get to access the workshop as functionaries.  They will not need to pay conference fees.

If you are attending the conference and/or workshop, but not volunteering, you must pay for conference registration and workshop tickets on the online form; ticket purchases on Section VI.

However, Makers Local 256 members can register for the conference and workshops at the ‘co-supporter’ discount rate regardless of his/her NSS membership status. In the online form, under ‘Section I’, select ‘Makers Local 256’ in the ‘ISDC Sponsor/Co-Sponsor’ field.

The conference covers several broad areas of study related to building a spacefaring civilization, including transportation to and through space, technology needed to live and work in space, and Earth-based activities to advocate for or educate others about space development. The overall theme for ISDC 2011 is “From the Ground Up,” emphasizing the tools, resources, and social activities that must be accomplished to make a spacefaring civilization a reality. Participants are encouraged not just to describe an ideal “future state,” but to think about the technical, economic, or advocacy steps that must be accomplished to achieve a specific goal.

The Foundry is a project incubator workshop. The Foundry helps participants turn good ideas into doable projects. The Foundry brings together those who are willing to work for a project of their choice and (or those who want to help), the necessary expertise, and the resources all in one place.

ISDC Brought to you by HAL5, the local Huntsville, Alabama chapter of the National Space Society

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