Recorded on February 8th, 2011. Jimshoe, Brimstone, Nykodemus, Just Tuttle, Alii, Crashcart bring you yet another Hackerspace Digest. Alii describes the Makers’ recent pig roast and tech expo. Brimstone talks about Thingaday and 091 Labs’ Movie night. The group talks about the movie nights they’ve had before, and about bringing them back. Brimstone tries to get others interested in a coworking day like 091 Labs. The group also debates Hack Clubs verses Hackerspaces. The group remembers the Two Hands project coming to their hackerspace and is excited to hear that the footage will finally get edited. Upcoming events (all of which have passed since the time of this writing ) include: Outerz0ne, which the group has enjoyed in the pas and Notacon, which the group has not attended before. Other events include the 555 contest and Hive 76’s Open house. Nykodemus gets everyone interested in Open Source Ecology.
Show notes are on the wiki, as usual.