Upcoming Events
BrewNewable Fest – 9/16 @ 7 pm-10pm
This celebration of solar and sustainable energy features electric cars, live demonstrations of geothermal and solar energy, and solar wearables from ML256! Tickets will be available for entry to win solar updates for your home! Check out the event page for more information.
Monthly Meeting – 10/19 @ 7:30pm
Next month’s meeting will be on October 19 at 7:30pm. Typical runtime is around 30 minutes. Hope to see you there!
Retro Gaming and Computing Night – 10/21 @ 4pm
It’s time again! RGCN is coming on October 21! All game systems born prior to 2000 are welcome to set up, or just stop by and play. Tournament announcements, this year’s t-shirt, and more super cool announcements will be coming, so keep an eye on your email and the ML256 Facebook page!
Display Table At GigaParts
Tyler Crumpton has been building display tables for a showcase at GigaParts in North Huntsville. This display will feature a handful of projects from ML256 members, including Tyler, as well as information about the shop. Stop by and check it out!
Shop Talk
Purchasing a Laser Cutter
Our IndieGogo campaign is finished, and the order has been put in. Our laser cutter is on our way to us from China via cargo boat, and should arrive within the month! A huge thank you to everybody who donated, shared the campaign, or assisted in choosing the final laser. Once the laser arrives, we will begin creating and distributing donor rewards.
New Logo!
We introduced our new logo last month! You may have seen it around the shop, or in your emails. The new logo also comes with color and font guidelines, to ensure publications from the shop are consistent between members, and can be laser- (or vinyl-) cut in one solid piece! Thanks to Tyler for all the hard work he put into designing it!
New Member Storage Shelves
There are now member storage spaces available upstairs in the loft! A huge thanks to Phil and Jake for building these new shelving units. Additionally, there are storage bins for use in member storage available for $10 each!
Sewing Room
The sewing room is complete at long last! Jeff, Michele, Travis, Phil, and many other were hard at work for months constructing walls, installing wiring, and moving in sewing supplies. This new climate-controlled space will be a huge boon as the weather starts to turn cold. Way to go!!
Project Showcase
Dmitriy’s LATIS Project
Dmitriy and three of his friends created a Arduino-based rocket launcher and app for the Intel Hackathon, which was submitted in July! The app allows you to launch a rocket from a safe distance using your cellphone as a control device for the Arduino launcher. If you’re interested in building your own, or want to learn more about this super-cool project, check out their website!
Lisa’s Fleece Angelfish