Upcoming Events
NACC Sewing 101 Workshop: April 8
This sewing workshop, hosted by the North Alabama Cosplayer’s Club, will teach you how to make a children’s cloak with hood, which will be used by the Madison Children’s Theatre in their production of Harry Potter! There will be two workshops, from 9am-12pm and from 2pm-5pm. If you’re interested, check out the Facebook event page!
ML256 @ STA: May 1
Straight to Ale is hosting us on Monday May 1! This event is a great fundraiser and awareness-raiser; a portion of the proceeds from each pint sale will come back to us, and we will additionally be able to sell some small items. We are currently accepting suggestions for events (such as trivia night) or items to sell. Please send suggestions to the Publicity List (publicity@makerslocal.org).
Pig Roast: June 24
Pig roast is coming up quickly, with a prospective date of June 24. Last year we had a huge turnout, and it looks like this year will be no different! Volunteers are a huge part of what makes the Pig Roast possible, so if you’re able, check out the wiki page and sign up. Some examples of volunteer opportunities include selling tickets, babysitting the pig, and pre- and post-event cleanup. Additionally, anybody who can bring a side item or dessert is encouraged to
Shop Business
Goal – 100% Member Funded
One of the major ongoing goals of the Board is to have the shop be fully funded solely by member donations. Currently, we are about -$100 each month looking only at monthly member-based income. Being 100% funded by member donations would allow bonus funds to be put into other categories, such as improving facilities or upgrading equipment. Please consider upping your donation amount by $3-5 if you are able!
Rummage Sale: April 1st
Rummage Sale 4.0 took place on April 1! The rummage sale takes place once or twice a year and is a great opportunity to sell some unwanted items and pick up some new favorites. At this event, we received cash donations and some shop items were sold, bringing in $261 of profit! Thanks again to Halley Martin for arranging this great event.
Projects in Progress
Bradley’s New Computer!
One of our newest members, Bradley Marshall, has built himself a custom computer! Some adjustments were necessary, and sparks went flying! Please note the careful use of safety equipment (nudge nudge). Way to go Bradley!
Phil’s Molds!
Phil Showers has created another piece of pottery. These molds will be used for making coasters, which will then allowed to dry, before they are fired in the kiln. You might be able to spot them drying upstairs over the next few days! The coasters will be sold as part of the fundraiser at the May 1 STA event. Nice!
If you’ve got ideas or suggestions for future newsletters, please email blog@makerslocal.org!