Come one, come all.
See the wonders of ancient 3D printers unearthed at the Makers Local 256!
Be amazed by a printing technology unseen since nineteen hundred and ninety seven A.D.!
Marvel at the rugged construction that can be left in a barn for nearly 15 years!
Gasp as this once dormant design device springs to life, fresh from the packaging*
See it live tonight only! (videos posted later this week)

Today, May 16th, After our regular monthly meeting, We will be throwing a little party to celebrate unboxing of a BPM 2100 Personal Modeler that we received last week, still in it’s original shipping create. Meeting starts at 7:30pm, the event will be directly after the meeting finishes. Drink a beer, reminisce about the 90’s, and talk 3D printers until we get tired and go home. (some of us have to work in the morning, I know.)

Moe is waiting to be unpacked, Curly's broken, but it's ok, Shemp can step up to keep things running.

*This printer is not guaranteed functional or “fresh”. Packaging is open to the elements. Frankly it’s a long shot, but hey, we’ve got ~4 of these puppies, and we can probably get one of them moving again that night.

Oh, and by the way… We have moved and will hold the meeting and the party at the new shop:
414 Stevens Ave.

At last, the next episode of Hackerspace Digest!

Not the right image for this show, but close enough

I want to tell you all how sorry I am that this episode took nearly a month to edit and post here. I want to tell you how we used new recording techniques and recorded our longest pod cast yet, with more hosts than than any previous or forthcoming show. How challenging it was to sculpt and polish this episode to a brilliant shine worthy of the wait…

…but really, Life just kept getting in the way. (happy holidays btw)
so, Without further ado, and with hope for a more disciplined and streamlined process (and assistant Editors) here is Episode 4!



The mad scientists of Makers Local 256 mandate you presence for a maelstrom of music, mayhem and merriment! Malcontent members of our mad house are hosting a malevolent masquerade of majestic proportions! 7pm 10/29/10

Bring yourself. Bring a costume. BYOB! (or not, you’ll still be allowed admittance)
Have a a good time and check out the Makers Local 256 if you haven’t yet.
Spooky-contraptions and mad-costumes and donations welcome.