Inspired by Crashcart‘s use of Adafruit badges on the Makers Local 256 project wiki, Omegix rises to the challenge of sewing some of the Adafruit patches represented on his wiki page onto his Makers Local Hoodie.
The goal was to have the hoodie be like a boy scout’s merit sash, something wearable around the shop to proudly display hobbies, and help be a conversation starter with new members looking expand their skillsets.
Not sure if I’ve really earned a sewing patch yet, but after some lessons from Enabrintain, Gregabyte, and SqueakyKittie, I can now make the sharp thing go up and down on the electric thread contraption. At least enough to attach a patch
For effortless attainment of a Makers Local Hoodie, you can purchase one here:
Alternatively, Makers Local 256 will soon be getting a hot press, and you can have an opportunity to make one of your own design