The floor in the loft at 414 Stevens has always been rather questionable, so over the years we’ve been improving it bit by bit. Thanks to our Tuesday Night Feast fundraisers, the facilities committee has spent funds to improve the “Textiles” and “A/V” areas in the loft.

While Punxsutawney Phil was staring at his shadow, our Phil helped Tim, Kinsey, Jake, and Tyler (also Lowell) put down new sub-floor and Tardis colored paint for the last 25′ of the loft. This, of course, displaced a lot of stuff, so all of the loft will be mostly unusable for the next week or two. Thanks again to all that helped worked and helped make this possible.


We used the giant CNC table at the shop to cut out my idea for a way to stop my dog from digging out her tie out stake.  It’s a 12 inch diameter circle cut out of 1/8″ thick polycarbonate.  It has a 3/4″ diameter hole in the middle to put the corkscrew-like stake through.  No more digging!  I call it the DigStop Disk!

Saturday I decided to laser etch some of my electronics. I etched the word “GEEK” into my laptop and hard drive. Thanks to MOG for inspiring me to etch the electronics and for helping me with GIMP. I love the way they turned out! Here of some pics:

We made our first tool by melting aluminum and pouring it in a sand mold made from a wooden version of the tool.  The idea was to make a tool that would help make other tools easier.  So we decided on making a sand tamper to pack the sand tighter around the next things we plan to cast.