Archives/Shop 3.0/Hackerspace Digest/HSD 0012 2011-08-24
- 12th Show.
- Recording time: August 24th, 2011 8pm
- Nathan
- Matt R.
- Tim
Show Format
- Introduction - who, what, when, where, why
- Update on what Makers Local 256 is doing.
- Stories
- Events
- Thats all folks
This is Hackerspace Digest episode number 12 for Wed Aug 24, 2011, semi-weekly podcast recorded by member of Makers Local 256 in Huntsville, Al. Check out for more information about us. I am (realname) also know as (online_name) online, (rest of people fill in starting to left of the main host).
- This episode of Hackerspace Digest is brought to you in part by Preston's Pistol and Prozium. Use the coupon code MAKERS for your first free Gun Katta Introductory Course.
Makers Local 256 update
- We moved to 414 Stevens - everyone
- Wiki turned 5 on July 31, 2011 - brimstone
- Google search bot - brimstone
- Soda Machine is fixed - JimShoe
- Video blogs, August - brimstone
- Retro Game Night - JimShoe, CrashCart
- 5 new HAMs - brimstone
- Noisebridge's Hackerspace Passports - JimShoe
- DigiFAB's All inclusive RepRap class - brimstone
- Noisebridge's Billboard - JimShoe
- CCCKC is now has 501c3 status - brimstone
Random Wiki Finds
- Rev Space looks to be doing an [RFC Read Group]
- Its like a book club for RFC's
- Mini Maker Faire in atlanta - brimstone
- Derbycon
- Phreaknic Nov 4-6
- Skydogcon Nov 4-6
Thank you for listening. If you questions, comments, basically, we want to hear your thoughts. We'd love to hear from our listeners, please drop in irc, #makerslocal on freenode, or send us an email to, you can find out everything about Makers Local 256 on Have a good one.
Hackerspace Digest is a production of Makers Local 256. Hackerspace Digest is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).