Bee Keeping
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
Information pertaining to bee keeping
Fellow Apiaries and Contacts
- Jonathan, Chad
- Asa
- Greg Brown's Uncle
- Yellow Hat Guys' Dad
Contacts for Purchasing Live Bees
- Allen (Scottsboro)
- 256-200-4575
- Had a bad year in 2018, not selling, but might in the future
- Jonathan said $160 for 4 frames was Allen's price
- Craig (From ad on
- One of the hives appeared to have virus, Craig said he would make it right if the frames didn't survive.
- $140 ?
- Fork Mountain Bees (Scottsboro)
- $170+
Treating Diseases
- Craig said Teetree oil can be used to treat verona
- He said this will destroy your blender, get a cheap one from a thrift store.
- OA Treatment using paper towels:
Catching Swarms
- Lemongrass Oil. Rub some on the top of one single frame. Put cotton ball with a few dabs of the oil on it in a zip lock bag, and then tear a small corner out of the bag. Place on top of the frames.
- This mimics the pheromones of a queen
Places to Purchase Equipment
- Mann Lake
- OSBeehives (BuzzBox, IOT Bee Monitoring, Android App for listening to hive health)
Lessons Learned
- We're in Alabama and it gets hot here. Purchase a well ventilated bee suit. They are double the price.
- Getting the first frame out of a bee hive is difficult without a frame grabbing tool.
- You can't use your touch screen on your phone if you have gloves on. There's usually a way to snap photos using the mechanical buttons on a phone.
- Hive foundations should be up off the ground, use a pallet or paving stones. If the ground is slightly sloped, angle the opening of the have downward so that any rain or moisture runs out of the box.
- Political signs work well as a buffer between the top most box and the lid. Bees will glue the lid down, this helps with that.