Big Spring Jam 2009
- Volunteers make 10% for earning while working.
- Don't know at this point how many tents will be set up for volunteers.
I need to know how many people would like to volunteer. This will work just like we did with the picnic, all proceeds will go toward the shop. Please put your name down so I can let them know how many volunteers we can get to work. I will update when I get more information. --Jimshoe 12:14, 15 July 2009 (CDT)
- Nathan
- Kinsey
- Sara (pending date/time info)
- Jeff
- Tim
- Raymond
- Dave (nykodemus)
- Matt
- Greg
- Heaather
Time Table
Caption = all day shift (equivalent of 2 shifts)
Day | Caption | Shift 1 | Shift 2 |
Friday | Brimstone | Sara | Strages |
Saturday | Nathan | Crashcart | Gregabyte |
Sunday | Omegix | Karrika | Nykodemus |
Someone needs to take the ball on this one. Changes need to at least be tracked here.
Big Spring Jam Charity Applications Big Spring Jam is now accepting applications from qualified charities wishing to receive a one-time supplemental funding grant. Please provide the information listed below in an electronic or typewritten format. Handwritten applications will not be accepted. Please provide the information requested prior to September 30, 2009. Application submissions can be e-mailed to or mailed to Von Braun Center, 700 Monroe Street, Huntsville, AL 35801 Attn: Big Spring Jam Charity. The charity awardees will be announced after Big Spring Jam XVI.
- Agency Name
- Makers Local 256
- Contact Person and Position
- Greg Brown (or should this be the secretary?)
- Mailing Address
- PO BOX 2234 Huntsville, AL 35804
- Phone Number
- 256-513-4667
- Fax Number
- (I can get a free fax to email number, but its long distance)
- I can receive faxes at work, but they have to have a coversheet saying: "Attention: Jeff Cotten." If we want to go this route let me know via email, I'd rather not post that information on the wiki.
- E-mail Address of Contact
- Is your organization a 501c3 organizations as defined by the Internal Revenue Service?
- Yes
- How long has your organization been In operation?
- 1.5 Years
- Describe the mission of your organization.
- ??
- Describe your top three funding sources.
- 1. Member donation 2. Donation gathered from events. 3. Helping businesses out?
- What is your annual budget?
- $16,000 Omegix 13:03, 15 July 2009 (CDT)
- This is Monthly Bills + Deposits.
- $16,000 Omegix 13:03, 15 July 2009 (CDT)
- How many people does your organization serve?
- Huntsville metropolitan population is estimated around 400,000 people. Omegix 13:03, 15 July 2009 (CDT)
- Describe the project for which funds provided by the Big Spring Jam would be dedicated.
- The funds would go toward fixing up our building so that we would be more suitable for classes. This would include painting, building, and buying equipment for use in teaching technical related classes.
- Do you have sources for supplemental funding should Big Spring Jam funds not cover the entire cost for your project?
- We currently rely on member donations. This will not stop, but the Big Spring Jam funds would go a long way to help up develop our organization into a better research, development and learning area.
- What is the total budget for your project? Please provide detailed information.
- (I would think this would be our yearly running cost)
- $16,000 Omegix 13:03, 15 July 2009 (CDT)
- (I would think this would be our yearly running cost)