Bluetooth Throat Microphone
From Makers Local 256
-- Started out as a method for communications while the windows are down/top is off/riding a motorcycle or other high noise environment.
-- Using the same concept of military throat mics [1], coupled with the low cost bluetooth headset components [2]
-- Current status:
√ Have a throat mic √ Have 3 bluetooth headsets for parts and scavenging (2 x plantronics, 1 x jabra) √ Confirmed pickups are working with existing blackberry on wired connection
-- Things to do...
* Have to replace the ear speaker, as it's a different impedance and isn't drivable by the blackberry wired connection * Once wired connectivity is functioning properly, solder wires to bluetooth module, and test * Once testing is completed, rework package to fit in the smallest area possible and mount to neck piece * Find largest battery available for neck piece > 30ma * Create a 'sock' to put the entire unit inside, with velcro closure * Take to shmoocon and show off!!!