Competitive Cable Detangling
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
An attempt to layout rules for turning cable detangling into a competitive sport.
Blindfold (Teams)
One team member will be blindfolded and will do all the detangling with the other team member coaching from the sidelines.
50ft ethernet
A tested working ethernet cable will be provided and upon detangling, must be wrapped in a way that will prevent future tangling.
- Penalty for breaking of a tab or tabs.
- Penalty if the cable doesn't work after detangling.
100ft extension cable
An extension cable will be provided and upon detangling, must me be wrapped in a way that will prevent future tangling.
Mixed box
A standard sized box(es) will be provided containing a nest of mixed cables. Cables must be wrapped in a manner to prevent future detangling immediately upon detangling.
- 1 person
- No outside elements can be used in competition.
- Sharp objects for cutting.
- Tape or any other type of fastener.
- Spindles or spools.
- 2 person
- No outside elements can be used in competition.
- Sharp objects for cutting.
- Tape or any other type of fastener.
- Spindles or spools.