Equipment, Materials & Services Offer Page
From Makers Local 256
There are often people outside of Makers Local 256 who offer us equipment, material or services. Here is a listing of who they are, how to get in touch to arrange a pickup or dropoff and what they are offering.
Various Woodworking Tools & Machines - Melissa Roth
- From: Melissa Roth (flowerchild on IRC)
- Date Offered: 11/2011
- Contact:
- E-mail:
- Cell: 1-256-337-8245
- Delivery Method: Pickup from her place, contact her for details.
- Service:
- Melissa is offering to do embroidery work for us on her CNC embroidery machine. Pi Bags are an example of what it can do.
- CNC Embroidery Machine - Media:EM-MR.jpg
- Pi Bags - Media:PB-MR.jpg
- Conditions:
- Offer must be renewed yearly.
- No mass-production.
- Melissa would like the chance to discuss an embroidery project with members before she commits to it.
- Melissa is offering to do embroidery work for us on her CNC embroidery machine. Pi Bags are an example of what it can do.