Global Hackerspace Cupcake Challenge
From Makers Local 256
We have to make, decorate, then send off a cupcake to another hackerspace. Look at the hackerspaces wiki for more info. link
Cupcakes will be created / packaged and shipped out during the Global Synchronous Hackathon The weekend of January 15th. The winning Hackerspace will be announced once the final cupcake is received and scored.
What we need
- Some place to make cupcakes
- decorations
- boxes for shipping
- Large cupcake mold?
Here is my first thought on a time line for this.
- Make first batch of cupcakes 14th, dinner time.
- Work all night testing and perfecting.
- Make another batch of cupcakes the 15th
- package up cupcake and send off on the 15th before post office closes.