Archives/Shop 3.0/Hackerspace Digest/HSD 0006 2010-12-29
From Makers Local 256
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- 6th Show.
- Recording time: 12/30/10 8pm
- JimShoe
- Crashcart
- Cherry
- Alli
- Kix
Show Format
- Introduction - who, what, when, where, why
- Update on what Makers Local 256 is doing.
- Stories
- Events
- Thats all folks
This is Hackersapce Digest for (date) and my name is (realname) also know as (online_name) online. Hackerspace Digest is a weekly podcast recorded by member of Makers Local 256 in Huntsvill, Al check out for more information about us. Alright lets introduce everyone else going around the table we have (introduce everyone).
Makers Local 256 update
- The year in review!
- Projects
- photo-booth project rolled out some new software
- Demonstrations from Engineers without Borders and NASA
- Robotics meet-ups
- Soda Machine
- Big Shelves
- Greg's Aluminum Forge
- Visits and Visitors
- Arch Reactor in St.Lois
- The Next Hope conference, HackDC, Alpha One Labs
- omegix to Portland
- Korc to London
- Nykodemus to Hackerspace Singapore and Tokyo Hackerspace.
- Brimstone is currently in Germany
- Bokunenjin from HackDC
- GMC just visited
- the Memphis Makers came to visit us, they have a space now.
- guys from TweakLabs just down the street in Florance AL
- more
- Events
- Other Stuff
- Tattoo by Preaux
- Projects
- Cellbots Android robot control. link
- Freakduino used to sniff Zigbee Trafic link
- New York University Professor Implants Camera in Head for Art Project link
Random Wiki Finds
Thank you for listening. If you know of something for the show, please drop in irc or send us an email, you can find out everything about Makers Local 256 on Have a good one.