Ideas/Vending Machine
From Makers Local 256
This idea came up over burgers at Five Guys. Basically create a vending machine that would vend items not commonly found in vending machines.
- Tshirts
- DVDs
- Wireless cards
- Water pistols
T-shirt Vending Machine
- Feeder (Paddle Wheel) design, in between each paddle is enough space for one rolled up t-shirt.
- Shute full of t-shirt would use gravity to press a new shirt into the space
- when the t-shirt reaches the 3rd quadrant, gravity would cause the shirt to fall out into a bin where the user would collect it.
- quadrants 1, half of 3, and 4 would likely remain empty of shirts
- paddle wheel would connect to an electric motor
- Is an encoded motor necessary? If not, how to keep the wheel from continuing to turn?
- Like in most vending machines, as the screw turns, the shirt would be pushed along the surface of the screw until gravity caught it and the shirt fell
- The screw would have to be large, like the screw stakes they put in the ground to attach dogs to
- Limitation of this implementation is that a screw can't hold many shirts, maybe 7 at most.
Motor Control
Purchasing / User Interface
- QR Reader via webcam, user purchases a QR image containing a predetermined one time use key
- Digital pad, user enters predetermined one time use key
- ibutton, cost of button included in shirt. Could include in the cost of shirt / badge and do a similar competition like the one done at Outerz0ne 4 with the QR partner finding
- touchscreen internet connection for paypal
- with anyone put their paypal password into a hacker's vending machine?
- magstripe reader
- Will anyone run their card at a hacker convention?