Leather Working Class
From Makers Local 256
This page contains example text of good things to know for an event
[hide]Basic Event Information
- Name:
- Organizer\POC:
- Date:
- Time:
- Location:
- Cost to Attend: $20
- Followup Class and Order
- April 16 2016, 1:00pm - 3:00pm: Tandy Leather Presents Intro to Leather Working, Gauntlets
- Once you have chosen a date for your event, send out a Save-the-Date type email to makers-announce@lists.makerslocal.org .
- A script will pull the date above and add it to both the calendar and the Events tab on the makers local website.
Collaboration class with NACC. Max class size is 70 people, which would exceed our facility if it actually got that big.
Not Yet Advertised To
- Makers Local Web Page
- White Board @ Shop
Advertised To
- General E-Mail List
- Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1265780740104277/
- Crossposted to NACC Group