Maker Theater
[hide]Basic Event Information
- Name: The Room @ the Flying Monkey
- Organizer\POC: MrWorld, Mog
- Date: Friday, December 3
- Time: 10 PM
- Location: The Flying Monkey's 2nd floor theater
- Cost to Attend: $10
At first we considered renting a dollar theater for a night, but they wanted $500 to show our own movie, and then we'd have to have our own copy of the film. After researching other possibilities like UAH's Chan auditorium or their UC, the most cost effective solution seems to be The Flying Monkey, especially since they will let us have food and drink, including alcohol, during the show. We can also sell our own concessions. Normally they would ask us to be done before midnight, but they make an exception for the first Friday every month.
The Flying Monkey will rent their 2nd floor theater for $235, and after you pay your deposit they will add your event to their marketing efforts.
Mog reports that the cost of getting the license to show The Room is $300, and the theater booking is $235, so the total cost is now $535. We could still turn a profit on the event if we get more than 50 people to show up, which can probably be easily accomplished. The Monkey's representative, Anna Sue, said the theater had a seating capacity of 250, which means if we fill the space half-full we can still make some profit for the shop. But we will need members to help split the up-front costs of the event. Feel free to add yourself to the list-
- Mog
- MrWorld
In addition to financial support, we'll need general volunteers to do things like put up fliers, send press releases, provide concessions, and we'll definitely want to clean up all the plastic spoons after the movie. We'd also like to sell concessions, nothing cooked but selling candy bars and soda from costco for $1 each would be fine. We'd like to make a run to Costco or Sam's beforehand and pick up all some basics. There will be a short presentation at the start of the screening about Makers Local 256 and what we do, accompanied by crashcartpro's photo montage.
- Omegix
- Mog
- MrWorld
- Mono
- CrashCart
Advertisemed To
- Facebook Event
- Flying Monkey's community (newsletter, calendar and website)
- WLRH - contacted, making appointment
- Makers Local home page
- Fliers - more at the shop, feel free to distribute!
- Bandito
- Coffee shop in Five Points
Not Advertised To
- Livejournal Huntsville Community