Makers Local BBS
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
This is a page for notes on the Mystic BBS instance located on a shop VM.
Synchronet BBS
Linux Administration of BBS
- Configuration: /sbbs/exec/scfg
- Console Execution: /sbbs/exec/sbbs
- Note, this should be deamonized
Installation Notes
- When following the instructions for running sbbs as a deamon use these commands on debian instead. When running the suggested command, "update-rc.d sbbs enable 2 3 4 5" it responds with something about symlinks not being present.
- sudo update-rc.d sbbs defaults
- sudo update-rc.d sbbs enable
ToDo List
- Enable Doors \ External Programs
- Setup SSH connections
- Don't allow users to send external emails
- Forward the Ports
Mystic BBS
Linux Administration of BBS
- cd into /mystic
- To start mystic BBS, sudo ./mis DAEMON
- To stop mystic BBS, sudo ./mis SHUTDOWN
- Currently the mystic directory is owned by the omegix user account. Not sure what impact that will have on other accounts attempting to start/stop/condfigure
- To configure BBS, sudo ./mystic -CFG
- Couldn't get this to work, something about not finding the cdrom drive.
- "Connection Terminated" may be caused by the IP addresses being added to the IP blacklist. Not sure what caused this to happen, but the solution was to run ./mystic -cfg and commenting out the IP addressed that were blacklisted.
- running mystic in SERVER mode (as opposed to DAEMON) allowed to show what was happening when we couldn't login
Accessing BBS
- Download a client such as NetRunner:
- Note that the top part of this page is the downloads for MysticBBS, you want the NetRunner app
- If downloading on linux, you may have to use wget rather than download via web browser. I don't know why downloading via webbrowser is borked for their server, but it's been resulting in corrupted downloads.
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