Nerd Rummage Sale 5
From Makers Local 256
[hide]Basic Event Information
- Name: Nerd Rummage Sale
- Organizer\POC: Halley. Jeff helping with wiki \ calendar stuff
- Date: TBD, but Late March, Early April 2018
- Time: 9am - 5pm
- Location: Makers Local
- Cost to Attend: $0
- May 12 2018, 9:00am - 5:00pm: Nerd Rummage Sale
From FB Event Page:
Here's the vendor sign up form:
Limitations on Event:
- Unlike previous years, inside will be available to make shop members for selling items.
- No CRT Monitors
- Anything that doesn't sell has to leave with the person that brought it (Makers Local loves donations, but this many donations at once would put a strain on the organization).
Internal Makers Logistics
- Email Needed to Announce The following:
- No laser cutter usage day of event
- Members will have to park down the street during the event
Tables and Tents
- Table sign up sheet is here:
- Tyler created a diagram that utilizes only the Makers Local Property. We think we can squeeze in 36 tables outside.
Indoor Tables
List below is prioritized. As per board request, filling up the outside tables before moving into the inner tables.
- Table 1 (2 slots)
- Table 2 (2 slots)
- Not Storage (2 Slots)
- Lobby (1 Large Slot)
- Office - Not Available
- Fab Lab - Not Available
- Crafting Room - Not Available
- Table 0 - Not Available
Current Requests
(Last Checked 2018.02.20)
- Jeff
- Halley Martin
- Jeff Cotten
- NACC (POC Josh Harrison)
Pre Event Tasks
- Poster Artwork: As far as posters, Barbara Attillio (spelling?) has made the graphics for the last couple of sales. Our "mascot" was a robotic flamingo. I haven't asked her if she wants to do another poster for this sale. She may be able to just change the dates and QR codes.
- Online and Print Ads: I usually posted an ad on both Craigslist and Reddit. Some of the other ideas are Valley Planet, HSV Times, but I wasn't looking to spend much money. I also got a couple of pick-ups from reporters and podcasts, so we can reach out to them again. And Jeff just brought up WLRH and I think the script sounds good. I think I printed up flyers once, but was pretty lazy about taking them anywhere.
- Signs (day-of): I was usually way too lazy to put out signs. We did usually have one out on Andrew Jackson pointing down the street. I think I'll make a permanent new sign.
- Fundraiser/Silent Auction: I think Jeff and I will coordinate this.
- If not for this NRS, for next, James Harris at State farm needs to be contacted to see how much liability insurance would be for a pedestrians in the street event. This is required by the police if they approve a Special Event Request.
In Progress
- Food trucks: Last sale, we wanted to have the bacon truck come out, but they wanted a deposit and I didn't care enough to pay it. Do the Kebabery people need electricity or other accommodation? Otherwise, they are welcome to show up and I can save a good space for them.
- Jessica Wardrake of Highway Kebabery and NACC said might be able to bring her food truck. Josh Harrison is coordinating with her for that.
- Street Closing Permit: Plan is to fill out the form and take it to the city. This should allow us to close the end of Stevens Street. We've also had some feedback from the neighbors about keeping people from parking in their grass, so we should scout out parking to fit our layout plan. I'm mildly scared of being denied a permit, or for them to turn around and require some sort of additional business license to hold a "sale." I guess we're at the point where we have to face that head on.
- Need to determine which streets \ zones we're going to request to shut down
- Need Facility Director or Board Member personal info in "Person Authorizing the Event" section of application.
- Facebook Event: I think Jeff has created or is about to create the Facebook event.
- Facebook Ads: In the past, I've done Facebook ads, targetting the 30-mile radius with some nerdy keywords. They've been mildly successful, bringing in maybe 30-40 people, with a budget of $50. Unfortunately, I've decided to stop using Facebook, so my ability to create ads is now gone. I usually ended up eating the cost of the ads, but I did consider them effective. If someone wants to take this on, I'd be happy to show them how.
- Currently not planning on doing this, facebook event has ~1000 interested.
PSA Request Submitted 2018.02.21- WLRH cannot do PSAs for selling oriented events.
"The 5th Annual Nerd Rummage Sale will be April 7th from 9am to 5pm hosted at Makers Local 256. At this geek themed yardsale you are likely to see spare computer parts, tech items, anime books, and geek culture items from various fandoms. The The North Alabama Cosplay Club will be in attendance with their Cosplay Yard Sale where friends and members will be selling costumes and props, many of which were custom made. Come out to 414 Stevens avenue on Saturday April 7th between 9am and 5pm to enjoy this free event. More information is available at makers local dot org."
Shop Property Liquidation
To Be Liquidated
- Crestron Equipment: TBD for 2018
- 2017: $80 for the lot, $10 a pound piece meal (this may get pulled back if Hunter gets it listed on Ebay before rummage sale)
Advertised To
- Facebook Event:
Not Yet Advertised To
- Makers Wordpress:
- OurValleyEvents:
- Reddit:
- Fliers ?