Nerd Rummage Sale 8
From Makers Local 256
[hide]Basic Event Information
- Name: Nerd Rummage Sale
- Organizer\POC: Grace & Jeff
- Date: Oct 1st 2022
- Time: 9am - 5pm
- Location: Makers Local
- Cost to Attend: $0
- October 1 2022, 9:00am - 5:00pm: Nerd Rummage Sale 8.0
From FB Event Page:
Here's the vendor sign up form:
External Logistics
- Starting 2023, we will need to coordinate Special Events for blocking off the streets with the city's new website, instead of with Kitty as HSVPD directly.
Internal Makers Logistics
- Email Needed to Announce The following:
- No laser cutter usage day of event
- Members will have to park down the street during the event
Tables and Tents
- Table sign up sheet is here:
Current Requests
- Grace
- Jeff Cotten
Pre Event Tasks
In Progress
- Artwork for event
Shop Property Liquidation
To Be Liquidated
Advertised To
- Facebook Event:
- Reddit:
- Makers Wordpress:
Not Yet Advertised To
Lessons Learned
- Put up fliers at Lucky Dice cafe & The Deep. Probably that coffee place in the mill as well, and Clay's workshop if he'll allow it.
- Advertise in the Discord board game group
- Send a picture of what the donation box looks like to the vendors (add it to the application)
- Send reminders about suggested donation to vendors just before the event
- If doing burgers, shoot for 60. On the slow year, we sold exactly 40. Don't worry about running out, when they're out, they're out.
- Put the barricades up at 8:30, and let vendors know the barricades will go up at 8:30
- Have $50 in one dollar bills for making change
- Have the key to the soda machine on hand for the day of the event.
- Send notice about the event to friendly groups more than a month in advance. We'll have the date locked down well before that anyway.
- HEMA, etc.