Poker Night
From Makers Local 256
[hide]Basic Event Information
- Name: Poker Night
- Organizer\POC: Omegix 15:13, 30 September 2009 (CDT)
- Date: TBD
- Time: 7:30PM - 9:30PM
- Location: Make Shop
- Cost to Attend: $15 Buy in
- This is a charitable fundraiser for the Makers Local 256.
- The Game will be Texas Holdem
- $15 buy-in is a charitable donation to the shop
- Game starts at 7:00PM and goes until 9:30PM
- At the end of the night, the two players with the most chips will recieve a gift certificate to BestBuy
- 1st Prize: Amount TBD
- 2nd Prize: $15
- Each table at the Make Shop can support 6 players for a 18 person tourney.
- When all three of the tables are down to two players each, they will wait until the remaining 6 players can all sit at the same table.
- Blinds are doubled every half hour. This will be an effective timer
- Re-Buy-Ins allowed.
Player Sign Up
- Omegix 15:13, 30 September 2009 (CDT)
Volunteers \ Progress
- Omegix Will clear off tables
- Omegix can bring 1 set of poker chips
- Jimshoe can supply cards and chips
- Mog can supply cards and chips
- Omegix will call BestBuy to see if we can get the prizes donated.
- Dropped off a letter to Best Buy, waiting till Oct 7th to hear back from them before moving forward with event
- Best Buy will be contacting recipients of their charity gift cards after 10/22/09 by post card. Event on hold until then. Omegix 15:25, 8 October 2009 (CDT)
- No word from Best Buy, assuming they aren't going to contribute prizes for the event. Will need to purchase prizes using the entry donation. Omegix 13:03, 27 October 2009 (CDT)
Still Needed
- Need someone to help create starting stacks of poker chips
- Omegix talked to the Sheriff's office. Sheriff's office said that what makes poker illegal is when you have a "House" meaning that people ante in, and a person not in the game benefits from a cut of the pot. Sheriff's office says that since the buy-in goes to the organization and we're giving out prizes that this event is legal.
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