
From Makers Local 256
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Mold Making

  1. Have something that you want to make a mold of
  2. Embed it in clay
    • remember that you need to leave a funnel to get the slip into the mold and back out again..
  3. Put it in a plaster frame
  4. mix plaster (3# Dry USG#1Pottery Plaster / Pint of H2O)
  5. pour carefully over thing
  6. let dry
  7. flip the mold upside down
  8. remove the embedded clay
  9. apply resist
  10. pour plaster over other half
  11. let dry
  12. demold

Mold using

  1. seal mold with a rubber band
  2. Pour slip into mold
  3. top off mold until desired thickness is achieved
  4. let sit until the mold is ready to come out
    • this could be up to a day or two later, but should only be 2 hours.