Power Racing Series
The Power Racing Series is a motorsport racing series created by the Chicago hackerspace Pumping Station One. Instead of racing cars or even carts, the PPPRS races Pow Pow Power Wheels. (Technically any BPRO--Battery Powered Ride On--vehicle is allowed.)
User:CrashCart started the ball rolling on the mailing list. If Makers Local 256 sends a team to the PPPRS, they will need to modify one or more Power Wheels and compete in multiple races.
[hide]The Challenge
The race series tries to emphasize the spirit of competition but there are hard and fast rules governing the entrants.
Each vehicle may cost no more than $500. This does not include the original purchase price of the Power Wheels. Nor does it include any safety equipment. But all modified / added parts must together cost less than $500.
If any race officials suspect your Power Wheels mods cost more than $500 they have the right to buy you out. They only have to offer $500. If you are familiar with the 24 Hours of LeMons you will understand this rule.
Each vehicle has to have safety equipment. This includes a dead-man's switch, a properly mounted battery, and honest to god brakes.
Ship of Theseus
The modified Power Wheels has to retain 70% of its body to compete.
Points are awarded for winning races, but points are also awarded for flair that impresses the audience.
Complete rules are found on the Power Racing Series website.
Our Entry
We can bring both the skill and the parts necessary to win the PPPRS and / or have fun.
Parts Contributions
- 2 sets: 450w DC motor, 24v controllers, chargers, and batteries --Crashcart (talk) 21:50, 1 March 2013 (CST)
- Team Volunteer(s): Mono (talk) 18:47, 28 February 2013 (CST)
- Driver(s): --Crashcart (talk) 21:51, 1 March 2013 (CST)
- Mechanics:
2013 Season
There are three divisions this year.
West Division
- May 18-19
- San Mateo, CA
Due to the rapidly approaching date and the transcontinental distance our team probably won't enter this race.
Midwest Division
Three races during the summer make up the midwest division. The races are held in Missouri, Michigan, and Indiana.
Kansas City
- June 29-30
- Kansas City, MO / KS
This will be the first race our team enters.
Motor City
- July 27-28
- Detroit, MI
This is a celebrated race in the series. It will be our second event.
Fort Wayne
- Sept 14-15
- Fort Wayne, IN
This will be our third event.
East Division
- Sept 28-29
- New York City, NY
- Grand finale
Due to the long distance our team probably won't enter this race.