Rocket Building 101
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
- We are meeting at 0745 on Saturday morning at the shop to caravan to the launch
- Current Weather Status: GO
The goal of this class is to educate interested individuals in high power rocketry by introducing the basics of rocket construction, simulation, and safety.
Outcome: successfully build and fly your first rocket!
Class Format
- 1 (or more - depending on interest) intro sessions going over the basics. This should take approx 1 hour
- Weekly build sessions that help participants construct their rocket
- Launch your creations at the Southern Thunder Launch on 22-23 June
- When: 9 May 2013, 7-8pm (for the intro session)
- Where: MK256
- How Much: varies. From ~$40 and up - explained in detail in the class
- Restrictions: Participants must be at least 18 years old (if less than 18, must be accompanied by an adult).
- Why: Well.... Because ROCKETS!
- Follow-on build sessions will be scheduled at a later time
Are posted (via GDocs). More to come for each session...