Roomba Bot
From Makers Local 256
Roomba bot. Make Roomba bot do stuff cause robots are fun.
- Completed Circuit Diagram for DB-9 to Mini Din converter. Omegix 22:54, 7 April 2008 (CDT)
- Uses a Max 233CPP chip (capacitor-less)
- Uses voltage regulator, corresponding capacitor, and an LED
- Mini Din cables can be difficult to find. They are used on keyboards that plug into Sun Unix machines. I ordered mine from digikey.
- Created color coded pin out for DB-9 Cable Omegix 21:27, 8 April 2008 (CDT)
- Tinned the wires on the DB-9
- The wires inside a DB-9 are very thin, proved to be a challenge stripping them.
- Obtained pinout of Mini Din from Omegix 21:27, 8 April 2008 (CDT)
- Need pinout for voltage regulator. Omegix 21:27, 8 April 2008 (CDT)
- Get Roomba talking to a computer via serial tether.
- Possibly make a very long serial cable and temporarily attach to ceiling of make shop to have it run around. We did this in the IEEE lab one year. Professor told me it couldn't be done, too much noise on an unshielded cable. Probably some truth in that, but for whatever reason it worked.
- Bluetooth to serial converter for untethered commanding
- Mount mini-itx to roomba
- mount webcam to roomba via mini-itx or router