SOA Non-Profit Incorporation
State of Alabama Domestic Non-Profit Corporation Articles of Incorporation Guidelines
Instructions: Step 1: This form is a guideline for completing your Articles of Incorporation. To Incorporate, file the original and two copies of the Articles of Incorporation in the county where the corporation's registered office is located. The Secretary of State's filing fee is $20. Please contact Judge of Probate to verify filing fees. Step 2: Non-Profit corporations MUST have at least three directors.
Forms for Submitting, Altering, or Dissolving in Madison County can be found here: Probate Judge Forms
Pursuant to the provisions of the Alabama Non-Profit Corporation Act, the undersigned hereby adopts the following Articles of Incorporation.
[hide]- 1 Article I: The Name of the Corporation
- 2 Article II: Duration
- 3 Article III: Purpose
- 4 Article IV: Membership
- 5 Article V: Office
- 6 Article VI: Directors
- 7 Article VII: Incorporator(s)
Article I: The Name of the Corporation
The name of the corporation shall be "Makers Local 256."
Article II: Duration
The Duration of the corporation is perpetual, unless otherwise stated.
In the event that a movement to dissolve the organization passes, assets may be liquidized to pay off any debt the organization may have accrued. Any remaining assets of the organization must be donated to a charitable, educational, or scientific endeavor.
Article III: Purpose
Makers Local 256 is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific and education purposes. The purpose of this organization is:
- To explore the benefits of productivity through volunteer collaboration
- Create, Educate, and Learn
Article IV: Membership
Section 1 — Eligibility for membership:
Application for voting membership shall be open to any current resident of Northern Alabama that supports the purpose statement in Article I, Section 2 of the Bylaws. Membership is granted after completion and receipt of a membership application and annual dues, or consistently and consecutively paid monthly dues. All memberships shall be granted upon a majority vote of the board.
Section 2 — Annual Pledge:
Section 2.1 - Regular Member Pledge:
Regular Members are requested to pledge an unspecified monthly amount to help cover the day-to-day expenses of running the organization. The board may accept pledges that are not monetary, such as maintaining property, advertising the organization, etc.
Section 2.2 - Charter Member Pledge:
Charter Member Pledges shall be set by the board at the beginning of each fiscal year, and may be changed by a hyper-majority vote of the other Charter Members at a Specially called meeting of the Charter Members. Continued Charter Membership is contingent upon being up-to-date on membership pledges.
Section 3 — Rights of members:
Anyone who desires to be a Member must sign the Liability Release Form.
Section 3.1 - Regular Members:
- Members may vote in organization elections.
- Members may serve on the board of the organization.
- Members may vouch for guests, taking responsibility for the property upon themselves.
- Members may bring a guest up to four times (outside of public events) to let them evaluate becoming a Member of the organization.
- Members may apply for "keyed" access to the organization's leased housing the second board meeting after becoming a Member. This time period shall hereafter be referred to as the "Vesting Period."
- The Member should have spent a minimum of 100 hours in the leased housing during the Vesting Period to be considered for "keyed" access.
Section 3.2 - Charter members:
- Charter members shall have unattended access to the property of the organization.
- Charter members shall have standard metal key access to the leased housing of the organization.
- Charter members may Call to Vote an override of any Board decision
Section 4 — Resignation and termination:
Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with the secretary. Resignation shall not relieve a member of unpaid dues, or other charges previously accrued. A member can have their membership terminated by a majority vote of the membership.
Section 5 — Non-voting membership:
The board shall have the authority to establish and define non-voting categories of membership.
Article V: Office
The street address of the registered office is:
3409 Governor's Drive
Huntsville, AL 35758
Registered Agent
The name of registered agent at that office is Jeff Cotten.
Article VI: Directors
The names and addresses of the Directors are contained in Appendix A of the Articles of Incorporation The names of the Directors are:
- Jeff Cotten
- Kinsey Moore
- Greg Brown
- Matt Robinson
- Bob Klepfer
- Conrad Wiles
- Nathan Warner
- Sara Neale
- Ray Nordin
- David Brooks
Article VII: Incorporator(s)
The names and addresses of the Incorporators shall be the same as listed in Article VI of this document.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the undersigned incorporator executed these Articles of Incorporation on this the _________ day of _________, 2008.
THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY: ____________________________
Signature of Incorporator: ____________________________