Shop Checklist

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Checklist for leaving the shop. This should be posted in a prominent place when leaving the shop.

For the front door

Last to leave?


  1. Lower the overhead door and lock the deadbolt on the back door
  2. Turn off large exhaust fan
    • (2 breakers labeled in breaker box)
  3. Turn off any auxiliary fans or heaters around the shop.
  4. Check for any running equipment and ensure that it is off.
    • (laser cutter, soldering irons, water faucets, monitors, etc.)
  5. Turn off all A/C units
    • (Office, Fab Lab, above the lobby)
  6. Turn off lights
    • (main room, under loft, kitchen, lobby, office, etc.)
  7. exit through front door, ensuring that it locks behind you
    • (and/or pressing the lock button on the outside.)

Thank you for making Makers Local 256 great!

Second to last to leave? Let the last person know that they are it.

For the back door

Last to leave?


  1. Lock the front door
  2. Turn off lights
    • (office, lobby, kitchen, under loft, etc.)
  3. Turn off all A/C units
    • (Office, Fab Lab, above the lobby)
  4. Turn off any auxiliary fans or heaters around the shop.
  5. Check for any running equipment and ensure that it is off.
    • (laser cutter, soldering irons, water faucets, monitors, etc.)
  6. Turn off large exhaust fan
    • (2 breakers labeled in breaker box)
  7. Turn off main room lights
    • (switch next to back door)
  8. Lock the deadbolt on the back door and lower the overhead door.
    • (CAREFULLY ducking under it before it shuts)

Thank you for making Makers Local 256 great!

Second to last to leave? Let the last person know that they are it.