Speakerbox Restoration
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
Wes Russel of Local Orbit has a speakerbox that he would like a a red widow to appear on the front of. He also really digs the makerslocal logo and would like to have it sprayed in silver metalic paint on the side(s) of the speakerbox.
Pictures of the Project can be viewed here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/96817288@N00/sets/72157624023508731/
- Spraypaint additional makerslocal logo
- Add a layer of Crylon 1303 (3103?) Crystal something
- mask off spider and re-apply red paint
- Figure out why speaker isn't working
- perform continuity check on the speaker wire
- test speaker with a different receiver plate
- Paint brushes (on hand)
- Black interior paint (on hand)
- posterboard from wal-mart ($)
- red spraypaint ($)
- silver metallic spraypaint ($)
- lacquer
- Spraypainted logo on box, assembled the project, and relocated it to the P-Spot. --Omegix 10:50, 18 July 2010 (CDT)
- Did two practice runs with the spray paint on poster board
- Created Makers Local Stencil
- Angle Grinded 1/2 of the metal plates in preparation of spray painting them silver
- Put second coat of black on box, created spider stencil and spray painted red widow on speaker mesh
- Gregabyte, Brimstone, and Jeff painted first coat of black
- Gregabyte and Jeff sanded Speakerbox
- Gregabyte, Katie and Jeff removed felt from speakerbox