TEDx 2012
From Makers Local 256
- September 07, 2012 6:30pm - TEDx Prep Meeting at shop
Makers Local Volunteers
- Ramgarden
- Tennessee Valley EV Drivers
- Laser Newtons
- Raspberry Pi
- Aluminum forging (brake drum forger)
- Oragami
- makerbot 3D printer
- John Kelly
- Lasercutter operator
- Computer controlled servos
- Mad scientist goggles
- Jeff Cotten
- Chainmail
- Drink Backpack demonstration
- Lasercutter transportation
- EnabrinTain
- Lasercutter demonstration
- Dmitriy Plaks & Jonathan Townley
- Saftey Orange rocket
- Wayne Neumaier & David Reimer
- Vacuum Form table
- Tim Heath
- ST:EAK kits
- Cigar box guitars
Lessons Learned
- Eat ahead of time. The noms are good, but volunteers get fed at the same time as guests. And when they flow out is when you're supposed to be presenting, which is not really ideal. If TEDx is open to ideas, mayhaps volunteers could make a plate while the talks are being presented. I heard a couple of non-maker volunteers grump the same suggestion.
- Guests are deeply impressed with things that move and are shiney.
- Tim saved the day by bringing business cards. Bring a good stack.
- The event has a reception afterwards, plan on not even starting packing up till that's over.
- Electric Vehicles were placed on the side entrace. They need to be at the entrance to the event so that people walk past them.
Notes from first meeting (Aug 16th, 2012)
Everett is our TEDx POC: everett@tedxhuntsville.com
Lab Ideas
The ones they liked
- LEGO pit by Tennessee Valley Lego (Jeff has contacted, waiting on reply)
- Electric Vehicle parkinglot demo by Tennessee Valley Electric Vehicle group (coordinated by Ramgarden)
- Party Squid (TBD, heavily dependant on availability of Ratmandu)
- Photobooth (TBD, need to talk to photobooth peeps)
- Lasercut cookies (Some of this we can do in shop, portability of cutter to event is TBD, need to talk to Enabrintain)
Proposed, but not as interested
- Hands on servo control
- Battlebot (they'd like us to save this for the TEDx youth robotics event in Novemeber)
- Geek Auction
Spelling is not gauranteed
- Daniel Crowsby
- Paul DeJoe (CEO of startup)
- Tassea (CEO that started a cheese making goat farm. samples will be at event)
- One of the founders from Straight to Ale Brewing
- Rob Adams of Mind Gear Labs, who will be starting a for-profit Fab Lab in Madison
- John Gazier
- Jeff -Someone- (Speaker on creating figurative walled gardens for creativity)
- Lisa Williams (Entrepreneur, started company Soldier One)
- Jason Casanbry (Stable Nuclear Reactors in Space)
- Samier (Creating a glucose powered battery. also the guy that can remote control beetles)
- Ashley Caps (co-founder of Bonnaroo)
Other Interesting Tidbits
- You can rent those digital billboards for $150 a week if you're a non-profit
- Cost of event is free for volunteers, $40 for regular attendees, and $20 for UAH Students (code is "STUDENT")
- Their next meeting is Thursday