From Makers Local 256
- Toilet paper
- Toilet tanks tabs
- Hand soap
- Paper towels
- Dish soap
- Windex
- Contractor trash bags
- 13Gal white trashbags (for cans)
- 409
- Toilet bowl cleaner solution
- Comet (sink cleaner)
- Sponges
- Printer paper
- printer toner
- Vacuum bags
- Whiteboard markers
- Sharpies
- Whiteboard erasers
- Whiteboard cleaner solution
- Lightbulbs
One time
- Fablab expansion
- Upstairs sink
- Air filtration for door'ed rooms
- New whiteboards
- clean up day
- Replace whiteboard table tops
- Clean bikeshed
- Clean/trim landscaping
- Check dumpster for rust
- Purge air compressor tanks
- Smoke alarm tests
- Mow grass
- Check light bulbs (and outside ones)
- Check Fablab AC drain/pump
- Check workspaces/tables for cleanliness
- Check for leaks/moisture in bathrooms/kitchen
- Check fire extinguishers
- Check/organize hackables
- Check/empty CNC dust collector
- Verify membership status of member storage cubes (unclaimed spaces are empty)
- Check/verify first aid kits
- Check air filters (office AC, office filter, fablab AC)
- Check/clean kitchen oven
- Thoroughly clean kitchen countertops
- Check kitchen disposal
- Dust/clean spiderwebs in door'ed areas
- Print test page on printer
- Make sure printer has paper
- Check quantity of membership applications and blank waivers in office cabinet binder
- Rotate lost+found
- Vacuum carpets
- Clean/check bathrooms/kitchen (check that toilet flushes)
- Sweep shop floor
- Empty trash bags (if full)
- Clean tool areas and workspaces (ID broken things)
- Clean whiteboards
- Clean/check refrigerator (check that fridge works)
- Check cutoff valve to outside faucet during winter months