The Next Hope
From Makers Local 256
The Next Hope is a hacker con, put on every other year, in NYC. Hope is an abbreviation for Hackers on Planet Earth. It will bring together hackers and makers from around the world.
- July 16 - 18 2010
In New York City at the Hotel Pennsylvania
I would like to see NYC some more, meet new people, and have a grand time.
- Hope Ticket = At the door: $100.00Advance Price: $85.00 [1]
- Hotel = $129 single, $159 double + 17.25% tax. Less than 2008! Call +12127365000 or 8002238585, ask for HOPE Conference Rate
The Plan
- Road trip We can head out stopping by hacker spaces in DC, Phili, and stuff on the way. Spending time in NYC.
- Taking primarily I-85 from the shop to the hotel, this is about 919 straight one-way. This does not include stops to other hackerspaces.
- At about 20 miles per gallon, this is roughly 92 gallons of fuel, using the van mileage that Brimstone knows.
- Price per gallon has been about $2.75, thus $253 will be spent in fuel alone for a single van to drive to NYC and back.
- Divide this up between 6 passengers and you're looking at a cost per passenger round trip to be ~$42. This should probably be rounded off to $50 incase there's any vehicular repairs due to this almost 2,000 mile trip.
- Gray Hound Its like $70 one way and over a day of riding on a bus :/ Round trip is ~$162
- Train Trip From Bham to NYC Amtrak is $125. So $250 round trip, on a Train!!!! This might make it hard to stop by other hacker spaces on the way. Unless we take the train to DC and somehow move up the coast from there.
- Airplane This is about ~$275 round trip. Brimstone used and it recommended Delta, HSV->ATL->BWI
- AirTran has round trip for $251 nonstop from HSV->BWI
As far as after we get to DC or NYC:
- The Bolt Bus apparently has $1 fares, power, wifi, comfy seats, and will stop at DC and Philly. The catch is that we have to reserve weeks in advance.
People Going
- JimShoe
- Brimstone
- Mog
- CrashCart
- opticron
Still need to ping CrashCart or JimShoe to confirm:
- Spacefelix
- PsychoAU