
From Makers Local 256
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Project Name Description Status
HSIS To send a weather balloon, with payload, into near-space to capture pictures of the Earth's horizon, to return the payload safely to the ground, and to retrieve the payload. Successfully Finished.
Unnamed Project Spiritual successor to HSIS. Release a glider from near-space and track the trajectory. Design
McGrath Because it's a bowling machine. Ha! Get it? Get it? *sigh* never mind. Cricket joke. Design
GYRO (Gyro, Your RObot) Information handyman, accessible over multiple platforms. In Progress.
Toy Car Robot Modify a toy car to create an autonomous driving unit. Queued
Cylon toaster Rewire the heating element on a regular toaster to burn a cylon face on the bread. Queued
Pentagram toaster Rewire the heating element on a regular toaster to burn a pentagram face on the bread. Donate to church. ???. Profit! Queued

Pages of Interest

Canon Hacks