From Makers Local 256
RGB Lights
- LEGO RGB Nightlite
- Sculptures made with magnet wire
Interesting LEDs:
- self cycling LEDs
- RGB addressable (WS2812 built into package) 8mm, 5mm diffused, 5mm clear
- NeoPixel Stick
- NeoPixel Ring
I have a Vexplorer with an added wrist joint and tank treads. It's currently sidelined while waiting on new drive motors. The new 393 motors should produce more torque (1.04 vs. 0.73 N*m) and a faster speed (160 vs. 74 RPM) in the high speed configuration. Alternatively in the standard configuration they can provide more torque (1.67 N*m) and still go faster than the old VB-1 motor (100 RPM). The robot has a 2.4GHz composite-output camera system and an RC remote that has on/off control (no analog). It's a lot of fun and most importantly it can fetch beer!
Upgrades under consideration:
- Microcontroller (arduino probably) control
- IP camera
- Mount a tablet for remote presence (at toddler height).
Model train stuff
- Get 4'x8' sheets of plywood, MDF, and foam insulation to make t-trak modules.
- Test 3D printing of grain silos.
- Use IR sensors to track train movement.
- Use above sensors to automatically calibrate speed tables using JMRI for consisting locomotives.
Knitting and crochet
Projects TBA