User:Omegix/Notes/Amazon Dash Button
From Makers Local 256
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Notes for how to rescue and setup deprecated amazon dash buttons.
- General notes. If the button connects back to the internet, it will call home, and amazon will update it with a firmware that will brick the button. It is necessary to block the dash button by mac address at the router level. This will not prevent arp notifications of the device attempting to connect to the router, which is all we need to get a simple presence detection on the network.
Sniff Network for SSID probes
Raspberry Pi Setup
- Add latest repo to pi for Kismet. The default Kismet repo that the Pi has will install a version of Kismet whose log outputs are inaccessible until the Kismet application closes.
Tasks to Complete
- * Kismet to write to txt file during runtime
- Specify Log File name and location
- Continuously grep file
- awk the lines surrounding the grep to see if the SSID matches the SSID probed for by the button
- Clear log file without crashing kismet after a condition is met
- call another script (maybe an IFTTT script?) when condition is met
tail -f /location/of/thefile | grep -i -E "foo|bar"
sudo kismet logging_enabled=true log_prefix=/tmp/kismet log_types=kismet log_title=KismetJeff -c wlan0
- instead of kismet, tshark: