User:Omegix/Personal Materials
From Makers Local 256
Using this page to keep track of personal items kept at the shop and at home. If anyone sees anything on this page they would like to use/borrow/purchase, just let me know.
[hide]Items Stored at Home
PDA\Smartphone Equipment
- Cassiopeia E-100 and accessories
X10 Equipment
At the Shop
- 1 RF Transmitter (Firecracker)
- 1 RF Reciever Lamp Module
- 1 Lamp Module
Not At the Shop
- 1 Hawkeye Motion Detector
- 2 Powerhouse Remotes (HR12A)
- 2 Lamp Modules
- 4 Light Switches (WS467)
- 1 Radioshack Telephone Remote Control System - Radio Shack Cat No. 43-151
- Doubles as a control center
- Comes with telephone remote controller
- 1 Powerhouse Telephone Remote Control System (this one may respond to standard phone noises, not sure) TR16A
- Doubles as a control center
- 1 Lamp Socket Module
- 1 Active Home Computer Interface (cm11a)