I'm all about the Hardware, I need to see it and feel it, y'all can keep that soft stuff.
Jacobs ladder with neon transformer - Done
Fattie - Done and consumed
Chicken roast - Done
Geek Eats - Done
Pig Roast - Done
Soldering 101 - 1 class done, to be handed odd to Crashcartpro
IRL Disaster preparation and recovery: when data recovery is the least of your worries. planning
The Fattie was introduced to me by my brother-in-law. This is my first attempt but w shall see how it turns out.
IPC certified soldering Circuit design and layout Electronics Failure analysis Woodworking Machining Blacksmith Metalworking Amateur gunsmith Ammunition reloading Lead casting First aid First Responder Wilderness Survival Emergency preparedness Circuit repair Material design Combustion research Demolitions Welding Cooking Hunting Game preparation Hide Tanning Amateur Taxidermy Survival Skills Jack of all trades... most people ask me anyway because if I don't know I know someone who does