Virtual Shop
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
Create a virtual representation of the Makers Local 256 facility, to give other hackerspaces a feel of what our spaces looks like.
- Crashcart has interacted with Hammer (a TF2 engine) as a potential way to create a 3D model.
- If other hackerspaces used the same 3D engine, we could tie in other capabilities like gaming
- Mudflap from Hackerconsortium suggested Google Sketchup, which would allow us to not only create a 3D model, but place it on google earth.
- Taking Measurements of shop on 2/27/2010 (leaving off main ML256 calendar)
- Setting up Hammer Tutorial meeting about a week later (TBD?)
- Hammer (TF2 Engine)
- If we could find a way to use it, Mudflap left a copy of a 3D model of our hackerspace with strages. Depending on the availability of software, it may be easier to measure the shop by hand
Measurements Left to Take
- Office
- Tables
Measurements Taken
- Equipment Room: 10'2" x 17'5"
- Office\Kitchen: 20'4" x 9'4"
- Main Room: 30x40
- (The 40' measurement is to the edge of the ceiling tiles)
- Hieght: 12' to drop ceiling
- 3'7" from the ceiling tiles to the staircase
- 3'4" from where the staircase wall begins to the office wall (where the staircase width ends)
- 4" width of staircase banister
- Depth of each stair is 9"
- Length of each stair is 2'11"
- Social Loft: 21' x 10'2.5"
- Distance from ground level to floor of Social Loft: 8'11"
- Height of Railing: 3'9"
- Length of Remainder of lofted, unrailed area: 8'2"
- Distance from Ground to top of lofted, unrailed area: 8'1"
- Distance from ceiling tiles to metal roof: 2.5'
- Tool Room: 18" x 22'6"
- Bay Door: 9'10" x 12'4"
- Storage Room: 17'6" x 16"
- 4'8 Walls that makes up the devider between tool room and storage room 3'8"
- Shelf: 1'7" x 7'8.5"
- there are 4 shelves
- Library: 9'4" x 16'10"
- Ground to Floor of Library: 8'
- Metal roof to floor of library: 7'
- Library fencing height: 3'8"
- Bathroom 6' x 7'6"
Project Byproducts
- Crashcart had a great idea for ML256 hosting a Hammer workshop. If people were into it, we could even break the shop into sections to be created as part of the workshop