Voodoo Lounge Arcade Machine
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
The Voodoo Lounge would like to commission us to build an arcade cabinet. To keep costs down we should try to keep buying new items to a minimum.
Parts Needed/Cost
- Cabinet shell (~3 4x8 sheets of plywood?)
- Joystick(s)
- Buttons
- Coin mechanism (see Legalities)
- PC motherboard (rPi? nanoATX?)
- solid state storage
- Button interface - I-PAC or homebrew microcontroller
- Shell art
- Screen
- Linux (easy remote access and maintenance)
- Cabrio (emulator front-end)
- MAME is not for commercial use, can't use it in anything that charges money.
- Low risk of lawsuit but we should play nice
- ROMs are technically illegal
- Gray area if you own the game (check for "public performance" clauses)
- Charging for playing ROMs will get you sued fast
- Must harden the shell against drunk behavior
- Protect screen
- Secure all parts well
- Well sanded to prevent splinters
- Well sealed wood and painted
- A benefit performance may be held at Voodoo to raise money for this project.