ISDC Conference 2011
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Note: This page is for archival purposes only. Times and locations are now outdated.
The local chapter of the National Space Society, HAL5 is hosting the 2011 International Space Development Conference (ISDC) in Huntsville's Von Braun Center, May 18-22.
This is a HUGE conference that attracts the international space community from big players and professionals in space exploration to space enthusiasts; astronauts, scientists, entrepreneurs, government officials, activists and citizens of this planet who look forward to the opening of the "final frontier" to discover the future of space exploration.
Yohan Lo, the local HAL5 president and ISDC organizer, is looking to make a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU, services in exchange for a presentation space) with Makers Local 256. He has asked us to assist them with setting up and operating a break area at their conference in May from Wednesday the 18th to Sunday the 22nd. In exchange, we will get a non-profit presentation table/booth for free. We can present the hackerspace and what we do to a larger technical community and to a good majority of Huntsville's technical talent.
We must decide what we can provide to ISDC for the duration of the conference and write that into the contract. They are expecting a draft contract by 3/15/11 and a signed commitment by 4/1/11.
We've succeeded in signing a contract and volunteers may have access to the conference for free. We need volunteers to run the presentation and break areas as well as Maker projects to present. This is akin to other presentations we have done, open house, LAN Party shows, etc.. Please see below to volunteer.
If you are attending the conference and/or workshop, but not volunteering, you must pay for conference registration and workshop tickets on the online form.
However, Makers Local 256 members can register for the conference and workshops at the ‘co-supporter’ discount rate regardless of his/her NSS membership status. In the online form, under ‘Section I’, select ‘Makers Local 256′ in the ‘ISDC Sponsor/Co-Sponsor’ field.
There will also be a project incubation workshop called The Foundry. The workshop runs from May 19-20 at the Embassy Suites Huntsville Redstone Boardroom (2nd Floor).
The organizer, Greg Allison, would like Makers to volunteer as judges/advisors, give a presentation on the Make Shop or participate (get tickets on Section VI of the online registration form. Judges/advisors and presenters get to attend for free as workshop functionaries. Please see below.
To Do
- Gather volunteers, projects and gear for presentation and ISDC support. - In Progress
Current Terms
This is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between National Space Society (NSS) International Space Development 2011 (ISDC 2011) conference committee, Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5) and Makers Local 256 regarding participation in ISDC 2011.
- Makers Local 256 provides to ISDC at no cost:
- Internet Café:
- 4 to 6 secure computers with internet access and printing services.
- Places for patrons to plug in laptops and convene.
- Personnel to support the Internet Café.
- At least 1 Booth Operator in the Internet Café area to help with internet access questions during exhibit hall operating hours.
- Internet Café:
- ISDC Provides to Makers Local 256 at no cost:
- Tables and chairs to set up the Internet Café in a 20’x20’ area (see Note 1).
- To the Internet Café:
- Electrical power
- At the discretion of ISDC (see Note 2), one Ethernet port connection or wifi access code, if used. Ethernet is preferred.
- An area in the VBC East Hall
- A 6' Display Table next to the Internet Café (see Note 1).
- Electrical power and internet connectivity for the 6' Display Table will be shared with the Internet Café.
- Four ‘Exhibitor’ badges for access to the Exhibit Hall (see Note 3). Will be used by Booth Operators.
- Two ‘Exhibitor/Attendee’ badges for access to the Conference and Exhibit Halls (see Note 3).
- No names will be printed on the badges to allow Booth Operators to decide who can use them.
- Times of Operation:
- May 18 - Setup day for exhibitors. Exhibit Hall open from 9am to 11pm for setup.
- May 19-21 - 8 am to 6 pm
- May 22 - 8 am - 12 pm
- May 22 - after 12 pm, Tear Down
- Points of Contact
- Makers Local 256 shall identify one or more POC(s) for all communication between ISDC 2011 Organizers and Makers Local 256.
- Promotion and Advertising of ISDC 2011
- Makers Local 256 shall promote ISDC 2011 on its website and other media.
- Makers Local 256 shall provide ISDC a high-quality (>300dpi) electronic version of its logo to use in connection with ISDC promotions (e.g. the web site and programming book).
- ISDC 2011 shall identify Makers Local 256 on its website ( and program books as host of the ISDC 2011 Internet Café.
- ISDC 2011 Registration Discount
- Makers Local 256 members can register for the conference at the ‘co-supporter’ rate regardless of his/her NSS membership status. Online registration form will be updated on the website ( to allow for a participant/'co-supporter' rate.
Current Signatures:
- Makers Local 256 Board Representative - Board Announced Passage of Proposed MOU on 4/22/2011. Original records of proceedings with Makers Local 256
- ISDC 2011 Chair - Bart Leahy, signed on 4/12/2011. Original signature record with spacefelix.
- Note 1 - The exact location of the Internet Café and 6’ Display Table is still TBD. Currently slated to be located in the Exhibit Hall (in VBC East Hall).
- Note 2 - ISDC will provide either Ethernet or wireless depending on network capacity and equipment availability.
- Note 3 - The levels of access to ISDC locales is as follows; Public Hall - public access, Exhibit Hall - ‘Exhibitor’ & ‘Exhibitor/Attendee’ badge access, Conference Hall - ‘Exhibitor/Attendee’ badge access.
We will be located in the VBC North Hall Lower, at the far end across from the hallway.
POC Between Makers Local 256 and ISDC 2011 Organizers
- Spacefelix
This will be like a shop open house, so present whatever projects you like:
- Stickers and Schwag
- Pamphlets
- Letter of Sponsorship
Briefcase PC 1 | brimstone |
Briefcase PC 2 | brimstone |
Laptop | JimShoe |
Laptop | JimShoe |
Laptop | Strages |
Laptop | spacefelix |
Laptop | Crash Cart |
- Security Wire
- Power Cables
- Internet Cables and Switches (Routers Provided by ISDC)
- Color Printer/Scanner/Etc. - spacefelix
Shift Table
Need volunteers to run Internet Café, Display Table and Foundry Presentation and Judging/Advising (see below). Schedule is broken down into two-hour shifts:
- For May 18th, Wednesday - Setup Day, VBC North Hall Lower open from 9am to 11pm for setup.
- Crash Cart - 5:30pm to 11pm
- Spacefelix - 5:30pm to 11pm
- May 19th, Thursday - Exhibitions Open
8-10am | Crash Cart, Foundry Presenter at 8:30-9am (see below) - ? |
10-12pm | Crash Cart |
12-2pm | Crash Cart |
2-4pm | Crash Cart |
4-6pm | Crash Cart |
- May 20th, Friday - Exhibitions Open
8-10am | Crash Cart, Alii |
10-12pm | Crash Cart, Alii |
12-2pm | Crash Cart, Alii (If no one else volunteers) |
2-4pm | Crash Cart, Alii (If no one else volunteers) |
4-6pm | Omegix, Spacefelix, Foundry Judge/Advisor at 5-6pm (see below) - ? |
- May 21th, Saturday - Exhibitions Open
8-10am | Spacefelix, WebDawg |
10-12pm | Omegix, Spacefelix, WebDawg |
12-2pm | Spacefelix, Crash Cart |
2-4pm | Spacefelix, Crash Cart |
4-6pm | Spacefelix, Crash Cart |
- May 22nd, Sunday - Exhibitions Open
8-10am | Spacefelix,Crash Cart |
10-12pm | Spacefelix, Crash Cart |
- May 22nd, Sunday - Post-Noon Breakdown
12pm | Spacefelix, Crash Cart |
Notes from 5/15/11 Volunteers' Meeting
- Badging - ISDC operations would rather we provide the names of the volunteers to allow them to print their names on Exhibitor badges to expedite entry and confirm identity. However, we still have the option of leaving the four badges blank and collecting them Wednesday before the convention. The former option is preferred if a volunteer must get their Exhibitor badge at registration at the start of the convention Thursday.
- If we are sending out the names of Volunteers, we need to send them to Bart Leahy (Conference Chair,, Yohan Lo (Conference Vice Chair, and Ann Yelle (Trade Show Manager,
- For our setup night on Wenesday, 5/18, we need to inform Ann Yelle (Trade Show Manager, that we will be in the exhibit hall post 6pm so Security knows we will be there.
- Let's inform her of this when we get an idea of who will be there on setup night from the 5/16 Member's Meeting.
- Volunteer Registration - Not required for Makers Local 256 volunteers who already hold a Exhibitor badge.
- Volunteer Expectations/Recommendations - Know where things are so that when attendees ask, you can direct them. If you don't know, please find out or direct them to an NSS (National Space Society) Official (especially questions about the NSS).
- Dress Code - Business Casual is preferred. But as we are representing Makers Local 256, we are permitted to wear whatever style to reflect the image we want to project.
- Hugh Daniel (, 301-254-8012) from California is visiting to run IT, wifi and ethernet setup at ISDC (Internet/Wifi Coordinator). Talk to him for Wifi/Network Issues. He can support setting up internet for out Internet Cafe.
- On a side note, Linux guru, ran a hackerspace and has been part of the hacker movement. Interested in Makers Local 256. Told him he is welcome to visit our shop during his stay in Huntsville for ISDC!
Fundraising Opportunities
- Donors & Sponsors - As there will be publicity with potential donors and sponsors at this conference, it would be handy to have a couple copies of our sponsorship letter handy and literature to hand to the right people.
- Selling Concessions - Can we sell concessions and make some money off the event? <- No, VBC has monopoly on all concessions.
- Getting a Corporate Sponsorship for Makers Local 256 at ISDC - We could ask for more than we pay for and get a profit. The only caution is to maintain our non-profit status by not going over our yearly profit margin limit.
- Successfully and satisfactorily supporting HAL5 (an educational organization) in our MOU - We can use this as future leverage when asking for corporate sponsorships and grants (see Makers Local 256 Business Plan).
Networking Opportunities
ISDC Foundry Workshop 2011
There is an interesting opportunity at ISDC 2011 for Makers Local 256 to participate in a 2-day Foundry Workshop for project incubation; Thursday 5/19, 8:30am to Friday 5/20, 6pm at the Embassy Suites Huntsville Redstone Boardroom (2nd Floor). The organizer, Mr. Gregory Allison, who is interested in Makers Local 256, is asking if we may present the group to the workshop attendees and/or act as advisors/judges to the projects.
The workshop is targeted to an audience of people who are interested in working on projects. It helps them turn good ideas into doable projects by bringing together the right people, skills and resources. This would be an excellent audience for us to present to and interact with. As it stands, he is asking for a presentation during the beginning of the workshop (8:30-9:00am on Thursday). For advising/judging, that will be at the last hour of the workshop (5-6pm on Friday). If you are acting in a presenter and judge/advisor function, you do not need to a badge for ISDC to be at the workshop.
Makers may participate as regular workshop participants as long as they register for ISDC and pay for Foundry registration; register here, select Thursday and Friday for Section IV and purchase tickets for the Foundry in Section VI. Makers Local 256 Members can sign up for the co-sponsor rate; identify yourself as a shop member in Section I. Maker rate is $167, $25 Foundry rate plus $71 daily conference rate. Regular rate is $195, $25 Foundry rate plus $85 daily conference rate. If you have a badge from volunteering above, you just need to pay the $25 for the Foundry at secondary registration.
For details, e-mail Gregory Allison at File:110503 2011 Foundry Plan.doc.pdf is documentation on the Foundry Workshop. Foundry website:
Can We Make This More Cost-Effective For Makers Local 256?
- As we are a 501(c)3 charitable organization, are we able to reduce our costs further with HAL5?
- Yes, per page 3 of the 'Sponsorship and Supporter Package', Non-Profit organizations (501(c)3) qualify for $250 for a 6' table and $350 for a 10'x10' booth.
- Do we count as an educational organization? If so, can that status be used to the aim above?
- No, per the 'Sponsorship and Supporter Package', Academic Organizations pay $325 for for a 6' table and $400 for a 10'x10' booth.
- Did our research on reducing the cost to Makers Local 256 as much as possible and getting as many amenities as we can. Got a deal where Makers Local 256 Members can register for the conference at the reduced Co-Sponsor rate. Formalized and signed deal with HAL5 on 4/22/11.