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  • February 18, 2016
  • 7:30pm
  • Shop
  • All members


Topic Presenter
Review of Board Action Items Chairman Action Items
Treasurer's Report Treasurer Action Items
Netadmin Report TBD Action Items
Facilities Committee Report Facilities Committee Action Items
Project Chairman Action Items
Publicity & Events Publicity Chair Action Items
New Member Recognition Secretary
Decide next meeting date Chairman
Update "Action Items Closed Since Last Meeting" Redmine Filter 'Closed' date to be today's date Chairman
Change Door Code Secretary

Action Items

  • Banning nonmembers
  • Board Member Behavior

Finance Committee

Treasurer's Report

The Treasurer's report is currently on Hiatus, due to intense illness on the part of the treasurer. Please accept his assurances, that all the bills have been paid, and the backlog of donations will be processed ASAP.

Facilities Committee


Item Responsible Parties
Many mice died Travis
We have faster, cheaper internet! Nathan, Hunter

Planned Improvements

Item Responsible Parties
moving the Tool area onto its own separate breaker Facilities


  • Nerd Rummage sale is coming up
    • there will be cleanup days preceding it
  • the Steampunk party was great fun
    • Several members are organizing a gearbox build class that will be coming together in the next couple of weeks/months

New Members

NOTE: All new members, meet with the Facilities Committee for your shop walk through.

Discussion Topics


  • Kinsey Moore (secretary)
  • Tyler Crumpton (chairman)
  • Kirstin DeRosa
  • Lou
  • Hunter Fuller
  • Chris Bero
  • Chrystine Gorman
  • John Kelley
  • Wes Swift
  • Daniel Valdez
  • Jake Polatty
  • Wayne Neumeyer
  • Dmitriy Plaks
  • Barbara Attilio
  • David Tabb
  • Norm Marshal
  • Jeff Cotten
  • Michele Cotten
  • Josh Carr
  • Amanda Nobles
  • Nathan Warner

Meeting Minutes

Tyler Crumpton started the meeting at 19:32 and started by reviewing the action items.

We've had a couple of failed policies, so the items they were addressing are still up in the air.

We have a bylaws change going through right now that addresses non-member ejection. In the past, we have had several non-members that have had to be ejected from the space, but there is a push for formalization. The current proposal does not address immediate removal, but does address longer term actions.

There have been some recent incidents with a non-member that have been making people uncomfortable. If it is deemed to be behavior unbefitting of a member/board member, a formal complaint should be filed.

A new maker space in Nashville is in the process of being setup called Make Nashville! Make sure to keep apprised of their progress. There is definitely room for collaboration and to help their bootstrap process.

Tyler gave the financial summary since Phil is currently out sick.

Facilities: The internet has been upgraded at a reduced cost to the organization. This should resolve at least part of the instability we were seeing. Travis has spearheaded the campaign to remove all mice and seems to have been successful. This is not a vermin problem so much as a seasonal issue because of the cold. Next in planned improvements is to move the tool area on to the new breaker. We won the natural gas heaters and will be working on getting them running sooner rather than later.

Events: We recently participated in the Steampunk Masquerade at Rocket Republic and it was a great success. We're going to have a steampunk box creation class soon and we passed out some vouchers at the masquerade. We've had a lot of good press from this event. We're going to do the class here once it gets a little warmer and the general public can tolerate it. It's currently slated for April 2nd. Participating in more of these events would go a long way for us as an organization.

The nerd rummage sale is March 12th from 9AM to 5PM. Talk to Jeff for more information! There are currently two smaller cleanup days planned before this so please come out and help.

The UAH Makers had a workshop day yesterday (February 18th) with development and 3D design which we're slating as an associate event. We're looking to do more of these in the future.

Nick Hanson has been working on a project to create NFC buttons and Jeff has some for sale if you'd like one. He'll be placing the order soon.

If you're in possession of the growlers (glass jugs), please bring them back.

The next meeting will occur on March 24th.