From Makers Local 256
[hide]Office Air Conditioner
- Koldfront WAC18001WS
- Koldfront parent company is LivingDirect
- LivingDirect said to contact EdgeStar manufacturer to inquire about remote
- 1-866-319-5473, and their email is service@edgestar.com.
Lobby Air Conditioner
Questions For Landlord
Currently TylerCrumpton is POC between landlord and the board.
- Can we cut a small hole for an exhaust in the "front" wall?
- Can we cut a medium hole for a window unit like what was done in the office?
- If we were able to secure a donated AC unit for the property, could we install it outside the front wall (and to the right, where it would be obscured by the bushes)?
Portable Air Conditioner
- Suggested Units:
- Koldfront PAC1401W
- This unit gets rid of condensation, no emptying of condensation collector necessary (depending on humidity levels)
- Koldfront PAC1401W
- Pledged
- $100 - Omegix
- $50 - Daniel Valdez
- Total: $200
Window Unit
Need to inspect the current window units we have in the shop to see how many BTU they support. If purchasing new, here's a unit with BTU comparable to the Portable AC: http://www.amazon.com/Frigidaire-FRA156MT1-Window-Mounted-Median-Conditioner/dp/B003KWM5RG
- If we decide to go this route, will contact Landlord for permission.
- Window Unit cannot be on the walls that are on the property line. This would limit us to the front entrance wall of the shop.
Unit Replacement Recommendation
- Landlord's requirements for selling existing unit is that the replacement be new, and that we leave a unit as good as the one he installed whenever we vacate.
- Current Unit - 8,000 BTU, Window Unit
- Hole in the wall is 25" x 15.75"
- Link for Estimating BTUs: http://consumerist.com/2007/06/07/how-to-figure-out-how-many-btus-you-need-in-your-ac/
- 235sqft Room: 6,000 BTUs
- Not in a Kitchen, but we run several computers in room (estimating 2,000 BTUs)
- More than two people regularly in the room. Estimating 8 people regularly. (600 BTUs x 8 People) = 4,800 BTUs
- TOTAL: 12,800 BTUs
- Potential Air Conditioners, Through-The-Wall (Search Terms Used)
- FRA144HT2 : 14,000 @ 230V, $693
- 20.5 x 24 x 14.5 inches
- Impecca : 14,000 @ ???V, $653
- Dimensions TBD
- Impecca 14000 BTU Through-The-Wall 220V $550
- Doesn't heat though.
- FRA144HT2 : 14,000 @ 230V, $693
- Potential Air Conditioners, Window-Unit
- Kenmore Elite 18,500 BTU, $419 if picked up locally
- $200 ~ Omegix Purchasing Old Unit
- $40 ~ Ctag (Donated to Makers Local 256. See Reimbursement Total Below.)
- $50 ~ Phil Showers (Paid 4/14/2015)
- $40 ~ Ben Tarsa (Donated to Makers Local 256. See Reimbursement Total Below.)
- $20 ~ Michele Cotten (Paid)
- $27 ~ Hunter (Paid via squarecash)
- $23 ~ Shapr (Paid via googlewallet)
- $50 ~ Strages
- $50, if more is needed ~ Munn
- Kenmore Elite 18,500 BTU, $419 if picked up locally
Jeff Should be Reimbursed $80 from Makers Local (See notes on pledge monies above). Jennifer said she would cut a check on 5/14/2015
Large AC Unit
- Daniel V. talked to White's Refrigeration, but they didn't have anything they could donate to us right now.