Archives/Shop 3.0/Hackerspace Digest/HSD 0022 2012-02-16
- 21th Show.
- Recording time: February 16th, 2012
- JimShoe
- Crashcart
- Mog
- Brimstone
Show Format
- Introduction - who, what, when, where, why
- Update on what Makers Local 256 is doing.
- Stories
- Events
- Thats all folks
This is Hackerspace Digest episode number 22 for February 16th, 2012. Hackerspace Digest is a fortnightly podcast recorded by members of Makers Local 256 in Huntsville, Al. Check out for more information about us. I am (realname) also know as (online_name) online, (rest of people fill in starting to left of the main host).
Makers Local 256 update
- driveforinnovation guy
- Alert Light
- prusa buildoff
- Hard Drive Flowers
- Flag for the shop
- It's a geocache. It's a lockpick trainer. NO, it's a Mystery Box -CrashCart
- Rick from Eugene Maker Space makes a box that you have to pick to find out what's inside
- Baltimore Node have their 501(c)3 docs up for other to review. -JimShoe
- London Hackerspace tweats ping pong balls at the audiance on live TV -CrashCart
- You can 3d print anything at Hive 76 - brimstone
- Raphs Puncher made at NYC Resistor - brimstone
- Makership Recipients at LVL1 - brimstone
Random Wiki Finds
- Cupcake contest
- Intro to Arduino class also at Pumping Station: One Feb 19th, 3pm
- Processing at Milwaukee Makerspace February 23rd
Thank you for listening. If you have any questions, comments, or basically anything, we want to hear your thoughts. You can find us on the Freenode IRC netowrk in #makerslocal, or you can send us an email to You can find out anything about us on Have a good one.
Hackerspace Digest is a production of Makers Local 256. Hackerspace Digest is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 Unported license (CC-By-SA-3.0 Unported).
The music was baud of passion by m3d049 available here which is licensed CC BY-SA 3.0