Network/Mailing Lists

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The shop provides mailing lists for makery-hackery-type discussion.

TL;DR: If you don't know which list to join, join general-announce.

You can click any of the lists to get more information, subscribe, or read the archives.


To see the way subscriptions are automatically managed, check the matrix.

Available to the public

  • general-announce - for announcements about Makers Local 256 events and activities.
    • This list is low traffic, as only occasional announcements about Makers Local events will be posted.
    • All Makers Local 256 members are required to subscribe; others are welcome to subscribe.
    • Postings must be approved by a moderator, as they will be distributed to hundreds of subscribers among the general public.
  • general - for public discussion about making, hacking, and creating.
  • hams - for amateur radio discussion.

Available to Makers Local 256 members

  • makers-announce - for announcements regarding the Makers Local membership and administrivia.
    • This list is low traffic.
    • All Makers Local 256 members are required to subscribe.
    • Postings must be approved by a moderator, as they will be distributed to the entire membership.
  • makers - for members-only discussion about Makers Local 256.

Restricted availability

  • board - for official discussion among the Makers Local 256 board members. (No one else may use this list.)
  • finance - for Finance Committee members. (No one else may use this list.)
  • netadmin - for the Makers Local netadmins' trials and tribulations. (No one else may use this list.)