Pig Roast 2014
From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
[hide]Post-Event Review
- Gross: $771.59
- Expense breakdown for this event are on the Talk Page: $257.22
- Net: $514.37
- Headcount: ~85
- Size of Pig: ~120 lbs. 200 lbs before processing.
Basic Event Information
Flier Information
- Name: Pig Roast
- Date: June 14, 2014
- Time: Event Starts at 12:00
- Location: Makers Local 256, 414 Stevens Ave
- Cost to Attend: $10 / person, or $15 for two people.
- LAN party @ 7pm
- Website: makerslocal.org
Extra Information
- Food Prep Arrival time is TBD
- Logistics: Omegix
- Cooks: Preaux, Omegix
- Flier: Pig Roast 2014 Flier
- June 14 2014, 12:00pm - 5:00pm: Pig Roast 2014
The Pig
- Put a request out for recommendations on Huntsville's subreddit
- Kirk said he has farm connections if we want to utilize them in 2015
Winchester, TN
- Pig comes skin off, but they can do a 110-120 lb pig (post processing) for around $225.
- This plan involves Michele and Jeff taking a day off work to go up to Winchester and retrieve the pig.
- Unless I can convince them to let us pick the pig up after working hours
- Pig itself is being purchased from one of Michele's Family's Neighbors.
- The pig will be processed at Mac's Slaughter House - (931) 967-1288. Processing is $65. They will gut, skin, and leave the head on.
Rocket City Meats
- Pig Order with Rocket City Meats Cancelled on 5/15/14. --Omegix (talk) 15:56, 15 May 2014 (CDT)
- Requesting a pig between 100 and 110 pounds
- $3.79 a pound / $417.00 @ 110lb
- He said there's a virus that is killing off the pigs overseas so a lot of what america is producing is getting shipped out. This has risen the cost of pig.
Stuff to Cook Pig
- Wood Chips: (BrokenTrace?)
- Charcoal:
- Injection Kits: Jeff Purchased 3 x "Cajun Garlic" @ $4.99 / ea. Total Cost = 1.08 * 3 * 4.99 = $17.17
Volunteering to buy the pig
All Nighters
- The Pit
- Alternative Pit: For $45/day you can rent a smoker: http://www.redstonemwr.com/recreation/pdf/orecprices.pdf
- Pit design: http://cowgirlscountry.blogspot.com/2007/03/cooking-whole-hog-on-cinder-block-pit_19.html
- The bottom front and back cinder blocks should have the holes facing out so that air flow can get to the pig.
- For cinder block pit, if on the concrete driveway, we need to put something under the thick aluminum foil to create grease runoff. The grease pooling caused more flareups.
- New Rack Purchased for event
- NPR Piece - See Advertisement Section of This Page
- Wood Chips - Brokentrace has brought to the shop
- Charcoal (120 lbs) - Jeff Has Purchased
- Cooking
- Pig
- Preaux (Duh)
- Jeff
- Jeff to bring Wireless Meat Thermometer
- Kix will help prep pig
- Michele and Jeff picking up pig the Friday night of the roasting
- Jeff Needs 3 Redbulls, Michele needs two, Scott could have used two. We all had 1 5-hour-energy-shot around 8am.
- Pig
- The Pool
- The pool can be filled with the air compressor
- Don't fill the pool past the second inflatable section or it will just spill over
- The pool takes several hours to drain without assistance.
- Someone bought some kind of blue misting thing to put next to it
- All-Nighter Party
- Outside noise needs to die down between 8pm and 9pm as a courtesy to neighbors.
Pre-Event Tasks
- Call Trash pickup and schedule for the day after pig roast. Do this two weeks in advance. (Lesson learned from PR2014)
Day-Of Tasks
- Pig Servers:
- Scott
- Gregabyte
- Money Takers (x2) (Needs to be people who haven't stayed up all night)
- Money Taker #1: Jenn
- Headcount Taller: Jenn
- Yes we have the clicker
- Money Taker #2: Tyler
- Digital Currency and Credit Card Payments: Tyler
- Age Checker and Arm Band Putter Onner: Heather
- Jeff Checked, there is a stack of nametags in the office organizer that's falling apart
- Nametag Hander-Outer: Heather
- Event Cleanup Coordinator (Makes sure the cleanup tasks get taken care of before LAN Party Starts)
- Task to coordinate
- Dishes Cleaned - Liz
- Trash Gets into dumpster - Patrick Phillips
- Tents Get Put Back
- Kiddie Pools Get emptied and setup to dry
- Any stray objects around campfire are put away (multimeters, thermometers, pokers, anything left behind)
- Perishables get put in fridge
- Pig Rack gets sprayed down with a hose and set inside the make shop - Opticron will powerwash it if MissScarlet can't
- Phil confirmed the power washer works
- Task to coordinate
Day-After Tasks
- Power was the pit location
- If the pit is on the driveway, the grease will soak into the concrete. The grease will turn rancid and make the neighborhood smell foul. Scott mitigated this with a power washer and dishsoap, scrubbing it in with a large broom and then power washing the area the pit was sitting on, or where any grease had pooled.
- Sunday once-over
- Table Setup : Jenn - I did this last year. It was really easy.
- Where to Place Food, setting out silverware, drink table, napkins, etc
- Drink Machine Stocker (Make a Canned Drink Run and Fill Machine before event) - Kinsey
- Gopher (Go-Fer-This, Go-Fer-That, person with car who can grab last minute things)
Other Necessary Items
- Nitrile gloves for serving pig
- Chairs (we cannot have enough chairs)
- Dmitry - 3+ folding chairs
- Jeff - Bringing a chair for himself
- plates, cups, bowls - Enabrintain
- knives, spoons, forks - Chryss
- Tents
- 10x10 tent donated by Katie Phillips (Need to confirm: Located on South Wall in black textile case)
- Second tent (donated by Scott) has three screws in the outer zip up compartment. shove those in the holes where the spring loaded pegs used to be.
- Tim's Tent - Tim(?)
- Folding Tables
- Ice and cooler - Jeff will bring 1 cooler
- Ice (As much as will fit in the cooler) - Arthur
- Corn hole game (bean bag toss) - Did Ramgarden leave this behind? Yes it was left at his old house but not sure what landlord did with it.
- Kiddie Pool (x2?)
- Pool #1: The kiddie pool from last year was above the grill next to the bikes
- Pool #2 Matt Barron is donating his 6' one to the shop
- Wristbands for Over 21 Status - Phil Purchased
- Drinks
- Sodas - Jennifer
- Tea - Charlotte
- Three Water Cooler Bottles.
- With empty Return, Home Depot will charge about $20 for these.
- Buns (basic hamburger buns) (Need 80)
- 40 of 80 buns - Josh and Brenna
- 40 more buns - NEEDED
- Chips, Dip
- Gregabyte is bringing awesome dip
- Side dishes
- Corn Casserole - Michele
- Cole Slaw - Heather
- Baked Beans - Nik
- Hashbrown Casserole - Tyler
- Desserts
- Strawberry Pretzel Salad - Ashley
- Four Layer Delight - Kirk
- M&M Cookies - Tyler
- A green salad (as in vegetables not food coloring)
- Spinach Salad - Phyllis
- Facebook Event: (Was very careful to make sure the event was "public" and it still didn't take on the "friends of makers" group page. SUCH CONFUSE.)
- Google Plus Event Page: https://plus.google.com/events/ccelmmf2ahhqnpkuqv2unkudmp0
- NPR Service Announcement: psa@wlrh.org was emailed and has given us a list of dates that we can come record a PSA. The nominated PSA is as follows:
- "Makers Local 256, Huntsville's not-for-profit Makerspace and Hackerspace, will be hosting an open house starting at noon on Saturday, June 14th, with a LAN Party to follow at 7pm. These events are open to the public. During the Open House, Makers Local 256 will be conducting its famous annual Pig Roast! More information is available at makerslocal.org"
- Crashcart has volunteered to be the voice on June 4th, 12:30
- Valley Planet article: emailed info@valleyplanet.com with the Who/What/When/Where/Why/Contact for both Pig Roast and LAN Party.
- Our Valley Events: http://ourvalleyevents.com/event-calendar/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D110337213
Not Yet Advertised To
- Makers Local Web Page:
- Reddit:
- Flier:
- Foundry
- 5400 on the Arsenal
- Kinesthetic Dance
- Bandito
- Update email sent to general list (3 weeks out)
- Livejournal (opted not to. LJ is dead.)
- Our Valley Events: http://ourvalleyevents.com/event-calendar/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D110337213