From Makers Local 256
Creator: |
Create a quarterly ML256 Podcast/Radio show to promote the shop and our upcoming events, discuss member projects, have panels/talks on technologies.
- Talk to some existing podcasters for tips
- Set up a space to do this in
- Need isolation, table/chairs, etc..
- I don't know much of nothin about podcasting, but is a sound-proof isolated chamber really all that necessary? I mean, I can generally hear pretty well just talking on the phone with someone, even if there is noise. Wouldn't some clip-on mics be just fine? I also think it might add to the atmosphere of the podcast if the listener can always hear some background hackin' going on. Maybe not a bandsaw, but you know what I mean...
- Need isolation, table/chairs, etc..
- Acquire all the needed hardware/software
- I have most of this --Offbitz 10:08, 25 June 2010 (CDT)
- Make a name for the show
- Iron out the format, set up segments
- discuss our current projects
- discuss upcoming events
- have talks/panels on current or upcoming technologies
- your idea here
- Identify hosts for the show and/or individual segments
- so far, Alii and offbitz have expressed interest
- Find some music (CC Licensed, etc)
- would be nice to make an identifying intro/theme track for the show, other music for transitions
- I dabble a little in electronic music. IF I can make something that doesn't completely suck, I'll submit it for consideration.
- would be nice to make an identifying intro/theme track for the show, other music for transitions
- Do something fun/funny to keep people listening.
- Nykodemus is at your disposal. Just let me know what needs doin'. I'm all about this idea. I started a video blog project page ML256_Video_Blog, but it never took off.
- your idea here
There is the possibility of doing this live and broadcasting via Icecast or something similar.
The Stuff
- Has
- Mics
- Mixer
- Necessary cables, etc.
- Capability to digitally record
- Has Nots
- Isolated booth or quiet space for recording
- stuff I'm forgetting probably will go here
Intro points
- Name of podcast
- Date
- Episode number
- Makers Local 256
- What this podcast is about
- Introductions, clockwise(left) from opening speaker
Outro points
- where to find notes
- contact us on #makerslocal on freenode