Redqueen is a way to pass messages between all the iot devices we have at the shop in a way that is documented and expected.
Network Setup
We currently have two mqtt brokers setup, one that is local to the shop and is wide open for anything to send/receive. The other broker is located on our remote webserver and is exposed publicly with SSL and a username/password, meaning you will need to ask an Admin for access. All messages are mirrored between the brokers.
Local only Available from outside -------------- -------------------------- | iot server | <----> | remote.makerslocal.org | -------------- --------------------------
Messages will be send in 1st person. As in "I (door) changed my status to open.". This is different than "Hey you, door....OPEN!".
- Currently we only support mqtt connects, and not websockets (maybe soon).
- When connecting to mqtt be sure to set your clientid to something useful like 'rqirc'. This will help to determine who is causing problems if/when they do.
Local Host
- type: mqtt
- dns: iot
- ip:
- port: default, 1883
- user/pass: Not needed
Remote Host
- type: mqtt
- host: 256.makerslocal.org
- port: 35801
- user/pass: Ask admin for access
rqirc will send out a message for thing like '!string'.
example: !alert I cut my finger off ml256/irc/makerslocal/command/alert {"command":"alert","nick":"jimshoe","channel":"#makerslocal","message":"I cut my finger off"} example: !shopstatus ml256/irc/gen/command/shopstatus {"command":"shopstatus", "channel":"##gen", "user":"tylercrumpton", "message":""}
Temperature Sensors
Six Synapse Wireless Inc. RM-150 (unreleased & not-supported) wireless temperature sensors are placed around the building that check in every five minutes. They are currently located in the "kitchen", "office", "loft", "memberstorage", "fablab", and "tool" areas. The RM-150 in "memberstorage" has an additional external k-type themocouple input connected on "ext0".
Ambient temperature in tool area:
ml256/tool/temp/ambient {"units": "f", "sensor": "ambient", "temperature": 84.56, "location": "tool"}
Ambient temperature in the fablab:
ml256/kitchen/temp/ambient {"units": "f", "sensor": "ambient", "temperature": 83.66, "location": "kitchen"}
External thermocouple sensor temperature in member storage:
ml256/memberstorage/temp/ext0 {"units": "f", "sensor": "ext0", "temperature": 84.91999999999999, "location": "memberstorage"}
Wiki Changes
The wiki is using XMLRC plugin to send an xml message out over udp. Currently this is happing from remote->dev. On dev a small nodejs script is running that is converting the XML to JSON and sending it out over mqtt.
ml256/wiki/changes { "type":"edit", "ns":"2", "title":"User:Jimshoe", "rcid":"20018", "pageid":"1716", "revid":"19945", "old_revid":"19938", "user":"Jimshoe", "oldlen":"1147", "newlen":"1146", "timestamp":"2016-04-17T03:14:28Z", "comment":"spaces", "wikiid":"wikidb" }
Big Sign
This is the big sign at the shop.
ml256/bigsign/alert {"source": "itsamenathan", "message": "this is only a test"}
This is the change machine at the shop.
Emitted when a withdrawal is made:
ml256/cascade/withdrawal {"user": "tylercrumpton", "amount": 0.50}
Also emitted when a withdrawal is made:
ml256/cascade/bank {"funds": 23.50}
Some errors are also emitted:
ml256/cascade/error {"error": "NO_MACHINE_FUNDS", "message": "Machine funds are depleted."} ml256/cascade/error {"error": "NO_USER_FOUND", "message": "No user with that ID was found."}
This is a message sent from eventwitter
ml256/event/reminder { "type": "VEVENT", "params": [], "start": "2016-05-10T23:30:00.000Z", "end": "2016-05-11T02:00:00.000Z", "uid": "19SAp3aKyx2KXESnxLzpFA", "summary": "Workshop Safety Class", "url": "http://ml256.org/w34w", "description": "http://ml256.org/w34w", "msg": "week" }
This is the documentation for the current version of RedQueen. RedQueen is a documented way to pass messages between devices inside and outside the shop. We have gone through a few versions.