Soda Machine/Hacking
From Makers Local 256
[hide]DEX (Data Exchange (UCS)Uniform Code Standard)
- What is DEX
- Schematics for connector link
- Information Available via DEX (source
- Machine out of order
- Product dispensing failure
- Product alarm level (insufficient inventory)
- Payment system errors:
- Jam in coin mechanism
- Jam in billvalidator
- Error in cashless reader
- Refrigeration breakdown
- Door open log
- MDB errors
- Vandalism (unauthorized entry)
- What is MDB (DEX vs. MDB)
- requires an account to read, but a good article --Omegix 15:37, 4 November 2010 (CDT)
- Protocol Specifications for the MDB (Multi Drop Bus) File:Mdb version 4-2.pdf
- See Chapter 7 of above PDF for designing a cashless interface
- To be well designed, MDB devices should have a Y-connector built into them so that devices can piggy back onto the bus. See pictures in this document for example
- Talking to a vending machine over mdb using arduinos
- another makerspace's solution to cashless transactions (
- MDB Sniffer
- more makerspace fun (with code)
Information from the Mfr.
Service bulletins, Package info, etc from Royal Vendors (possibly the manufacturer). Our machine is a GIII
- Manual
- Service Bulletins
- Package Vending Specifications
- Parts Catalog (Coke)
- Parts Catalog (Pepsi)
- Parts Catalog (Diversified?)
Bill acceptor
It's a BA30B. This talks using MDB. pinout