User:Omegix/Recipes/Indian Yogurt Chicken

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Chicken and Marinade
  1. Skin the chicken legs x 6
  2. Take some yogurt in a bowl
  3. Add ginger and garlic looks like a Tbsp. of each
  4. 0.5 tsp of each:
    • Garam masala
    • Coriander powder
    • Salt
    • Haldi (Turmeric)
    • Paprika
  5. Ground crushed red pepper (1 tsp)
  6. Stir into yogurt
    • Notice lack of oil, this is intentional
  7. Add raw chicken, stir to coat, let it marinade
  1. Use an enameled Cast Iron pan (or something heavy like that)
  2. When the oil is hot drop add
    • 2 chilis (serrano)
    • 4 cloves
    • One 1" long section of cinnamon, split in half
    • 2 x green cardamom seeds
  3. 1/2 tsp cumin seeds. Wait till start to brown
  4. Chopped white onion, about a cup. Soften.
  5. Put marinated chicken mixture directly in
  6. Don’t be stingy on the oil, there's none in the marinade
  7. Turn flame to low to reduce splatter
  8. Then turn back to high to get it to a boil
  9. Cover and let it low\medium-low
    1. Add some water if you think you need more sauce
  10. Cook 15 minutes then stir, gently, to make sure nothing is sticking to bottom
  11. Put lid back on for another 15 mins
  12. Cook without lid for 5 mins to thicken if necessary
  13. You may want to taste at this point and add salt
  14. Top with green coriander, Serve with rice